If I were still working Satira I, too, would've taken a vacation day, though there not that bad about plowing the streets around here. We only got about 6 inches of snow in some areas. I'm not sure we got that much in this neighborhood, but we definitely got huuuuuge turbulent winds, and ice. I thought my windows were wet with rain when I got up around 10:00 this morning, but it was ice, and it's finally looking like rain now, so it must've warmed up enough to start melting.
I went to the store yesterday and picked up a few things, so have no plans of going out today. Hopefully they'll finish clearing the sidewalks around here so I can do my weekly shopping tomorrow. I only have to walk one block, so shouldn't be too bad as far as snow goes. I'll just have to be careful of any ice, so we'll see.