Good morning Terre and Lorraine!
Woke up to snow on the ground. Alexa just informed me it's 32F (aka 0C) and freezing rain ... and that we can expect more of the same all day. High will be 43!
Sooo glad I do not have to go out anywhere. Instead, I ordered a 15 pound bag of Acana for Tsuki, and a new UPS for me. I was rudely awakened this morning by the UPS squealing. Definitely time to replace it. It is 3 years old ... which is about how long the battery is expected to last.
I do so love being able to do all my purchasing online instead of braving the elements and fools on the road.
Warning ... I'm entering rant mode. Blame it on being freaking cold!
Not sure who are the worst though, those driving cars, those walking, or those riding bicycles! I like reading Treehugger, but I do get so annoyed at their holier than thou attitude regarding pedestrians and bicyclists who can do no wrong and drivers who are to blame for every accident that ever happens. Not like I ever see bicyclists riding home in the dimly lit streets with no lights. At least half the bicyclists that breeze past me (running red lights as they do so) have no lights ... either on their bike or on a helmet (if they are wearing a helmet). Another half of those have no reflectors either.
I subscribe to that very small group of people who believe one should stop, look both ways, and look again before crossing a street. The vast majority of pedestrians here absolutely refuse to look before crossing the street. They believe drivers won't give them the right of way if they stop and look. Yet ... how many times do we hear about a driver suddenly distracted by a child in the back seat. Not to mention the fools who fiddle with the radio as they are turning or are talking/texting on a phone. Add to that having a bike suddenly appearing beside you and not knowing whether the bicyclist intends to cut in front of you (if he's riding between the lanes) or plans to go straight across the intersection if he's to your left. Usually, there is one on either side of you ... even though Philly streets are really two narrow to begin with. Now add bicycles weaving between the cars and someone's going to die. Whether it's the bicyclist or the pedestrian not paying any attention.
I'm constantly amazed, not just at the lack of concern by pedestrians who seem to believe they will survive being hit by a ton or more of metal, but by the attitude of bicyclists who rather vigorously state that stop signs and red lights don't apply to them. Again ... a ton or more is going to leave nothing of either a bicycle or the rider. It's just freaking common sense that if you aren't protected by metal (and even if you are!), you need to be aggressive about your safety. Depending on everyone else watching out for you is foolish ... given so many people are only thinking about how quickly they can get where they are going or are fuming over something a boss, coworker, spouse, or even a stranger said or did.
A coworker is rather fond of saying ... darwinism at work. But, the last thing I want is to be the one who killed someone.
I don't text. I don't have kids in my car to distract me. I am constantly scanning traffic for someone ... anyone ... whether it's a fellow driver, a pedestrian, or a bicyclist not paying attention or potentially doing something unexpected (and absolutely stupid). While I do sometimes talk on the phone, it's always handsfree. I really should stop reading Treehugger

And definitely, I shouldn't read the comments when they have an article about how drivers are to blame for everything bad in the world.
I mean ... it's not just people who drive who voted Trump. I'm sure quite a few people who ride public transportation or walk or commute to work or school on bikes also voted for Trump.