I've been debating the Echo / Echo Dot for some time, but with the sale, I reconsidered all the reasons why I would or would not use it, and the light was the clincher. I was only a bit disappointed I couldn't turn on the light with the Echo Dot (because it's a touch lamp), but I use a motion sensor LED night light beside the door to my apartment, so it switches on when I walk in the door or when I walk from the living room to the bathroom when it's dark. The night light was dead for a year before I remembered it was battery operated and replaced the batteries. Silly me.
Anyway, the pole lamp isn't close enough to where I sleep for me to just reach out and turn it off. It's far enough away that just getting up and maneuvering around Tsuki's toys (and Tsuki) gets me out of the drowsy stage. She can be sound asleep, but the minute I get up, she's right there following me around or body checking me. She thinks it's great fun to bounce against me or practically anything else. She's still in that everything is a toy stage.
The Belkin Wemo smart plug is on sale. I purchased the TP-Link Smart Plug as the Wemo was more expensive at the time, and I didn't need the Nest Thermostat integration. The Nest Thermostat would be cool, but I have the heating units with the controls as part of the unit, not as a separate controller on the wall.
I have setup one alarm with the Echo Dot, and may switch to using that instead of the alarms on my phone and Kindle. Being voice activated to set or turn off is pretty cool. I also find that it's easier and less intrusive to ask Alexa the time rather than having to get my glasses and then pick up the phone and look at it. Especially, since I usually end up knocking things over when I'm trying to get my glasses or the phone. Same with checking the current weather or forecast. I can be groggy and ask the time without even opening my eyes. Makes it easier to fall back asleep.
And of course, the Echo Dot doesn't just do alarms. But it also does timers.
With an on/off lamp, I could turn it on from anywhere ... like at work or from the parking garage, or just anywhere I had my phone since the Alexa app is available for Androids as well as the Kindles.
Smart house stuff is just plain cool.
Now if I could just train Alexa to train Tsuki!