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The Anchorage, Part 3

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
Back on the boat! Arrived in the rain Tuesday arvo and have spent the last two days unpacking and cleaning and generally settling back in to boat life. Making chicken risotto with asparagus for dinner tonight, nom!
Welcome home! :D


Happy Thanksgiving! To those who celebrate it here in the US anyway. :)
"Have a nice day" to the rest of you.

We have a new professionally installed pro-grade thermostat on our heater. Now we'll just need to replace the batteries every 2 or 3 years instead of the thermostat every year or two. Consumer grade ones are crap that aren't worth the money anymore.


Contributing Artist
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone in the states...

@Terre...that sounds like its worthwhile. We're in the process of going solar. Hopefully it will totally replace our taking electricity from the grid. We going to set it up ready to use a Tesla battery but we're waiting on the release of the Tesla 2 before getting the actual battery.

Yay! I have finished all the testing, finished reports which are now with the proof reader, swimming week is over and now I just have the concert to get through!


The Wicked Witch of the North
Hi everyone! After a few days down here in the big smoke aka Auckland, and one more week to go, I'm pining for home, Sans Souci, my computer and my own bed. I'm definitely not a city person...it's crowded, noisy, I have jet planes flying overhead, a huge construction site over the road and PEOPLE WHO GET UP EARLY in the house. However, Sans Souci has a new pendant light for over the dining table with a funky vintage looking LED light bulb, a funky new rug for the saloon (and maybe one for the wheelhouse Wednesday), a cute cushion for the armchair, all bought at sale prices, and some nice spices for the kitchen from the local Asian and Indian grocers. So all is not bad, and just to make it nicer, my sister came up from the Waikato today and took me out to lunch plus gave me her surplus-to-requirements iPhone 5s! Nice!

Satira Capriccio

Contributing Artist
Woohoo! We need pictures of your new light. But we can wait until it's in place.

Nice about the phone.

I don't know why there has been so much construction going on here for the last year, but I'm sure getting tired of all that noise and chaos!


The Wicked Witch of the North
Hey Satira! I'm over the construction and I don't even have to live next to it...my poor aunt and cousin have it for the next couple of years at least. Yuck!

I shall post some pics when I'm home and all is in place :) I have to get another bag to get it all home! ;)

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
Hi everyone! After a few days down here in the big smoke aka Auckland, and one more week to go, I'm pining for home, Sans Souci, my computer and my own bed. I'm definitely not a city person...it's crowded, noisy, I have jet planes flying overhead, a huge construction site over the road and PEOPLE WHO GET UP EARLY in the house. However, Sans Souci has a new pendant light for over the dining table with a funky vintage looking LED light bulb, a funky new rug for the saloon (and maybe one for the wheelhouse Wednesday), a cute cushion for the armchair, all bought at sale prices, and some nice spices for the kitchen from the local Asian and Indian grocers. So all is not bad, and just to make it nicer, my sister came up from the Waikato today and took me out to lunch plus gave me her surplus-to-requirements iPhone 5s! Nice!
AHA!!! So THAT's where you've been. I was beginning to wonder why you've been so quiet here of late.


The Wicked Witch of the North
Hey Miss B, Pen :) I was also having a LOT of problems with my phone. The browser kept crashing all the time and I spent a considerable amount of time cursing and swearing at it. When Sharon offered me her phone when she upgraded I was so happy as there was no way I could afford to replace mine, not for a long time. The only thing 'wrong' with Sharon's is it needs to be charged more often than when new but as mine almost needed to be on charge all the time and I had to buy a portable battery to be able to use it for more than two or three hours when not on charge, I don't really think it will be a problem!

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
I can empathize, as I've been on and off here every few hours yesterday and today, because my laptop's giving me problems I'm trying to get fixed. I'm just not ready to buy a new one just yet. ~sigh~


The Wicked Witch of the North
Oh Miss B I truly do empathise! That 'not ready' applied to my phone and still applies to my tablet.

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
I probably would still have my old Moto Razor phone, but I absolutely HATED texting with a flip phone.

That, and when I finally got around to buy a tablet, it came with a phone as a bundle, so flip phones are now out for me.


The Wicked Witch of the North
Brilliantly sunny day here in Auckland, with a sea breeze to cool us down. And cooling us down we will need as Aunty Bernie plans to bake Christmas cakes this arvo.

Happy news, I get to go home a day early :snoopydance: My cousin comes back on Friday and I have a bus booked for Saturday :) Oh joy, oh rapture :love: