• Welcome to the Community Forums at HiveWire 3D! Please note that the user name you choose for our forum will be displayed to the public. Our store was closed as January 4, 2021. You can find HiveWire 3D and Lisa's Botanicals products, as well as many of our Contributing Artists, at Renderosity. This thread lists where many are now selling their products. Renderosity is generously putting products which were purchased at HiveWire 3D and are now sold at their store into customer accounts by gifting them. This is not an overnight process so please be patient, if you have already emailed them about this. If you have NOT emailed them, please see the 2nd post in this thread for instructions on what you need to do

Stay Home - Spread Hope Render Challenge


Busy Bee
I actually did this for the April freebie challenge over on the DAZ forums, but seeing as it's using the Gnobbit, Fallen Tree, and Greens For Fallen Tree I thought why not ? The title and caption I used over there were "Terry's Secret Stash - There's nothing quite like finding Terry's secret stash of easter eggs to bring squeals of easter happiness to a little Nobbit ! (P.S. Terry's not as much of a terror as you might think - he's just a big gentle giant... chicken)"



Thank you very much to all who offered their products for free for this challenge! I downloaded several, so I'll be posting a few renders. :)

First a quick one, inspired by a picture I saw of exhausted health care workers sitting on floors in a hallway, dozing or resting. Wish there was something I could give them beyond hoping they'll be okay.

A little spot of brightness

View attachment 58044

Used the Emergency Exit, Asiatic Lily, and Black-Eyed Susan. It was a little hard to find three things for this one, though maybe I could've fit in the potted palm as well. The botanicals I bought back when they were still at DAZ.
I am dying to know where you got the OR clothing (mask, suit, gloves, hair covering!! I was an Operating Room and Cardiac Intensive Care RN for over 22 yr, and have been looking for things like this for a long time to make things for my old friends back home. You say the shoes you downloaded have been recolored?


Thoughts are with you Bronze Dragon!

Great renders everyone! I am partway through doing another render but have been busy with working from home. I'm posting here while organising upload of videos on my work computer.

My thought and my prayers are with you also, I hope all goes well.

There sure are some great renders here.


Hello, newbie to this forum. Thank you for the free products and the idea of the stay at home challenge. The best part for me is seeing what people create when working with the same items. I chose the HW Cat, HW Whispers and the Vintage bike.

The image tells the story of my biggest wish, that at the end of the isolation phase we won't go back to the old ways of mostly ignoring creativity and imagination because we are all so busy making a living. The Unicorn symbolises our creativity to imagine 'impossible things'. A few years back, holograms were impossible and before that 3D unicorns on a home computer weren't possible. The forgotten robot and old bike are part of the old world of transport and technology. The dog and the cat are our essential connections to the world we share with all beings.

View attachment 58925

Welcome braincells I hope you enjoy your stay here and it is a long one.

A great render and I have similar hopes for the future. This challenge has turned out to be much better and much bigger than I thought it would be. I knew it was a good idea and that there would be some stunning renders from the usual suspects but the surprise has been all the newbies that have joined in with some very different ideas for renders. I hope many will stay and share more stunning renders as we move forward, we are going to need a few pickups as we continue.



Day lilies, black-eyed susans, bell flowers, and a dead tree make up this scene . A pampered house cat out for an adventure spots a mouse trying to store an apple under the log where his friend is hiding. He watched at first curiously getting ready to pounce.


Thank you so much for the wonderful free items. It's so much fun making pictures. At the moment I would love to break out and be with my family in Germany .... who knows when we can go back to Germany. that's why i let the sweet unicorn jump out of a gate .... everyone stays healthy
"Jump out of the gate"



For those of you that wished me well, thank you, very much appreciated. Operation went very well, got to come a few hours later. Chest hurts like the dickens, but the incision looks good. Have a video conference with the Doc next week. The new defibrillator / pace maker seems to be working just fine, didn't notice the change over this time (this is number 3). Now all I have to worry about is if I caught anything while I was out.

Anyway thanks to all of you. I started work on another render but it's just not going well, the reflections aren't working right. I'll get it eventually, but it might take awhile.


I did another one!
Getting Ready For Next Year
It takes the Easter Bunny a loooooooong time to paint all those eggs. How do they stay fresh? Holiday magic!
Getting Ready for Next Year.jpg

Rendered in 3Delight
Postwork in Pixelmator

Qualifying Items -
*Fallen Tree - Fallen Tree - A HiveWire 3D Creation

*Fallen Tree Greens - Greens for Fallen Tree - A Lisa's Botanicals Creation

*Lisa’s Botanicals: Bellflower - A Lisa's Botanicals Creation - Bell-Flower

*Lisa’s Botanicals: Day Lily - A Lisa's Botanicals Creation - Daylily

*Lisa’s Botanicals: Tulips - A Lisa's Botanicals Creation - Tulips


  • Getting Ready for Next Year.jpg
    Getting Ready for Next Year.jpg
    743.6 KB · Views: 341
Thank you for this wonderful contest idea! I just got finished browsing through the thread and there are a lot of really great entries posted. Best of luck to everyone! Here's my first entry, titled "A New Friend". It uses six of the available freebies plus a couple of things that I created. :) Rendered in Poser 11 Superfly. Now to come up with a couple more ideas for this contest.... :D Oh yeah, render size is 1600x1000 pixels.


Hello everybody! Some of you know me from other forums such as The Fantasies Attic, PFDLives, and DeviantArt. Have been a member at the Hivewire 3D site since it was launched, but only recently joined this forum.

Looking at all the images posted for this contest, I can see there is a lot of awesome talent in play! I love it. It makes me feel good to see that imagination is alive and well at all of the forums and sites I visit, and here you all have not disappointed me! I commend all that have submitted entries for this contest, and I do not envy the the job the judges will have when the time comes to decide the winners! Their's will be perhaps the hardest job of all!

I must thank all of those that have contributed freebies for this contest. All of the content I have grabbed from the list are excellent quality. I especially love the items I used for my first entry here, as well as the HiveWire House Cat and a couple of other items. It has also made me happy to see others contributing some of their products for this contest. It shows that we as human beings from all around the world can work together, and do great things! Thank you all for giving us hope and love! I love you all!

Now for my first entry, which I hope you all like. I have included a full list of all that I used for this image.

Happy Tree
A pretty Elven Girl has found an unusual Old Tree, and is taken by it. She leans against its gnarled and moss covered trunk, enraptured by its charm. The Old Tree cracks a big wide smile.

Old Tree - Fallen Tree with an included standing pose, and an open smile morph (main subject 1)
Flowers - Lisa's Botanicals -
Bell Flower with Default Textures
Pansy with Default Textures
Asiatic Lily with Default Textures
Day Lily with Default Textures
Extra Environment Elements -
Willow Creek 3Delight rotated to give a good view of the main subjects
FMEE Green Hills 3Delight, Rotated to get the Primary Light aimed as desired
1 Spotlight created in DAZ Studio 4.10 to intensify the lighting on the main subjects
Elven Girl - (main suject 2)
Genesis 2 Female - Giselle 6 with Victoria 6 UVs and Stacia for V6 Materials
Desire V4 Hair fitted to Giselle 6 with red Textures
Flora Sprite Dress with Default Textures
Standing Pose V6 08 slightly adjusted to fit the scene
One Camera created and edited in DAZ Studio 4.10
Rendered using DAZ Studio's 3Delight render engine
Post work done in PD Howler
Conversion to JPG and Signature Logo done using Windows Paint

Edited to say: Not sure how to get the image to show at full size. Perhaps someone here can help me learn?

Happy Tree.jpg
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