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Sparky's items for HiveWire Dog


Contributing Artist
So much better than my effort... and so much closer to finished too, of course! Looking forward to this (and to the Greyhound, but then, as a Whippet owner, I'm biased on the sighthound front).
So many different types of Mastiffs so I wouldn't worry about having a couple for people to choose from (or use both like I would)
just for thought and not as any condemnation on any of this but I found out of curiosity a lost of 10 most popular dog breeds i America:
  1. Labrador Retriever
  2. German Shepherd Dog
  3. Golden Retriever
  4. Bulldog
  5. Beagle
  6. French Bulldog
  7. Yorkshire Terrier
  8. Poodle
  9. Rottweiler
  10. Boxer
Well we have the Lab (base HW dog) so a Golden Retriever wouldn't be hard because they are very close in shape and size to the Lab, its just the hair that really makes a difference. A GSD would be nice (could use Sparky's black and white wolf textures on it, would like to see the saddle pattern and sable for it, I think sable could be used for the wolf too for more options). There's a Bulldog in the works. We have Sparky's Beagle (yay!). Frenchies are so cute, the other store has one for their dog). A Yorkie would be great because I don't think I've seen one of those anywhere, same with the Poodle (tho I don't know how you'd do the hair which is prob why there's no poodle). I got real close to doing a Rottie just dial spinning the Lab and using a coat from one of the texture packs so that shouldn't be too hard. And I think Chris has a Boxer in his line up?

Top 10 in Australia:
  1. Staffordshire Bull Terrier (both English and American)
  2. Labrador Retriever
  3. German Shepherd
  4. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
  5. Golden Retriever
  6. Border Collie
  7. Australian Cattle Dog (Blue/Red Heeler)
  8. Poodle
  9. Pug
  10. Rottweiler
Of course these kinds of lists change over years because fashions change and also some list have a couple of different dogs on them even though most of them remain the same. For instance some lists have list the French Bulldog, Dachshund, Jack Russles and Designer Mutts (like the Groodle) on them


Contributing Artist
Of course these kinds of lists change over years because fashions change and also some list have a couple of different dogs on them even though most of them remain the same.

Go back historically and you don't get any breeds as such at all- not in the modern sense- although you get distinct types. It's a bit of a problem if there is nothing available except really distinctive breed models, in fact, when trying to do historical renders with dogs in, because even the modern versions of older breeds often no longer look the way they would have done.
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Contributing Artist
good yes, take for example the Bull Terrier here (which I really like) compared to the modern one:

And even German Shepherds, take for instance this really old photo, it looks like todays Belgian Shepherd (Malinois) more than a GSD.


(and a Malinois for a comparison)


Contributing Artist
Boxers are pretty unrecognisable if you go back a hundred years, Dachshunds were shorter in the body and neck, less deep in the chest and the back legs were set more under the body, Bulldogs had legs and muzzles and fewer wrinkles...


carmen indorato

But since you are experimenting how about a hyena....always wanted to do renders with that canide in them. There is something about the look of the body and the different sized front to real lwg proportions and the big thick neck and hackles I find primal. Here is an image if a spotted hyena which having read about them I was shocked by what i found. And yes that is what you think you see on this female which was hard to find this image which was the least "offensive" of this breed. Read the article to better understand.
Why Do Female Spotted Hyenas Have A Penis? - Dr. Carin Bondar


  • Spotted-Hyena-Female.jpg
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  • Spotted Hyena 6.jpg
    Spotted Hyena 6.jpg
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  • hyena snarl.jpg
    hyena snarl.jpg
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carmen indorato

good yes, take for example the Bull Terrier here (which I really like) compared to the modern one:
View attachment 61070View attachment 61071

And even German Shepherds, take for instance this really old photo, it looks like todays Belgian Shepherd (Malinois) more than a GSD.
View attachment 61072
View attachment 61073

(and a Malinois for a comparison)
View attachment 61074
Love the first bull terrier, seems noble looking) and hate the second one. that snout always bothers me for some reaosn.

carmen indorato

Love the first bull terrier, seems noble looking) and hate the second one. that snout always bothers me for some reaosn.
Took me a while had to use several search engines but i found these which come closer to the images that i liked most of the hyena


  • Hyena rage art.jpg
    Hyena rage art.jpg
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  • Pet-hyena_1717095i.jpg
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Dances with Bees
HW Honey Bear
The foxes look splendid. I'd like to see them with a fur preset. But I suspect that can wait.


Monster Maker
Contributing Artist
Hey, guys. I've had a weird week...there were riots in my hometown, and we've been under a curfew. My sister was caught in one of the riots--it started across the street from where she works. :-/ So, that was a bit scary. After that, I took a couple of days to bake for my mom's birthday, and that was nice. But then, our cat escaped, we've glimpsed her a few times but we can't catch her. That's been stressful because my fiancee LOVES that cat, and he's been freaking out since she went missing. I've been spending a lot of time looking for that cat. >.<

I got back to work on this today, though, I've got the fox wrapped up and that was the last one, so I should be posting these to the store later today or tomorrow.


I am sorry to hear about your cat! Hopefully some food will tempt her back home!

I have been checking your store several times a day! It will be nice to find your new products up!