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Songbird Remix's Product Preview Thread


Dances with Bees
talking of pigeons... a pair of winged warriors have made their home at Canberra's Australian War Memorial with a poppy nest :cool:

Winged Warriors.png


Make some babies, find a suitable bush and you could recreate your own Quail family from Quail Hollow :balloon03: Looking good, he sits so much better with the new thigh/leg position

Ken Gilliland

Dances with Bees
HW3D Exclusive Artist
While my wife was looking for a street sign to persuade dog owners to clean up after their pets, she stumbled upon an unusual Pigeon sign. I thought it was fun enough to do a 3D version, so here it is... I'll probably add the sign prop to the SBRM Second Edition set (that has feral pigeons) when it gets updated.

Pigeon Sign.jpg

Ken Gilliland

Dances with Bees
HW3D Exclusive Artist
Make some babies, find a suitable bush and you could recreate your own Quail family from Quail Hollow :balloon03: Looking good, he sits so much better with the new thigh/leg position

I'll probably end up doing Quail babies relatively soon, but I need to plow through a few more updates first.

For those who don't know about the "Quail Hollow" that Jan was talking about. That's my house and Jan when visiting California and the US dropped by and got to see the Quail first hand. There's also an USC film school documentary on the property (warning: you get to hear me babble on about native plants and birds for about 6 minutes).

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Dances with Bees
HW Honey Bear
Tujunga? Here I thought that you were over in the Topanga area. Must have misread something at some point.

Ken Gilliland

Dances with Bees
HW3D Exclusive Artist
Yes, Tujunga... although Tujunga and Topanga do have a similar feel.... both are a bit of an open-air asylum, quite a few art oriented people, some pretty rural parts, it's not uncommon to see people on horseback.

We're located about a half block from the McGroarty Art Center. John Steven McGroarty, who's home is now that art center, was a poet, playwright and congressman. He is best known for being featured in John F. Kennedy's "Profiles in Courage".

JFK quoted McGroarty's response to a constituent's complaint... "One of the countless drawbacks of being in Congress is that I am compelled to receive impertinent letters from a jackass like you in which you say I promised to have the Sierra Madre mountains reforested and I have been in Congress two months and haven't done it. Will you please take two running jumps and go to hell."

That comment is soooo Tujunga lol
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I'll probably end up doing Quail babies relatively soon, but I need to plow through a few more updates first.

For those who don't know about the "Quail Hollow" that Jan was talking about. That's my house and Jan when visiting California and the US dropped by and got to see the Quail first hand. There's an USC film school documentary on the property here (warning: you get to hear me babble on about native plants and birds for about 6 minutes).

I'd like to see it, but Flash is banned from my computer. If it were up on YouTube, that would be great!


Ken Gilliland

Dances with Bees
HW3D Exclusive Artist
I'd like to see it, but Flash is banned from my computer. If it were up on YouTube, that would be great!


I forgot that some of my older media from my website was still in FLV format. I updated the file to a more friendly quicktime format .mov, The link is in the post above.

Here's a peek at the make and female Gambel's Quail update.


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I enjoyed your Raising Quail Hollow movie better in this format, thanks. Do you still have the Blue Jay who eats peanuts, I saw him in the movie.

I remember looking for the Hummingbirds but we could not see them, they were there though and you advised to keep still and concentrate- low-and-behold, that worked and we were amazed how we could not see them at first, they are so small and fast, just fascinating to look at.


Ken Gilliland

Dances with Bees
HW3D Exclusive Artist
Yes, "Scruffy" (the Scrubjay) is a regular as well as a couple Dark-eyed Juncos, White-crowned Sparrows, California Towhees and, of course, the six different species of hummingbirds who are brave enough to visit the front porch. We do have a resident Nuttall's Woopecker who is roosting in the elm about 3m from the front porch. He leaves at sunrise and comes back at sunset every day. It's quite a treat.
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I saw a hummingbird this past summer. I was out front, putting some garden stakes (I guess that's what they're called, wire with a green coating, some just single lenghts, some with sort of trellis shape) in to help hold up the Tiger Lilies, they were bent over a lot, because that area is in shade most of the day, so they were reaching for the light in the morning, I guess. I heard a buzz and thought it was a bumble bee. I looked up and there it was, hovering. But it took off right away. I felt bad, because I figured it was probably there to visit the Tiger Lilies, and I scared it off.



Dances with Bees
HW Honey Bear
They're not all that easily scared. People with feeders tend to get hassled when the feeder runs dry.

We used to have a number of Anna's hummers here around my building. I suspect they are still around, but no one has a feeder out for them any more, so I don't see them that often.

Ken Gilliland

Dances with Bees
HW3D Exclusive Artist
Well after a 2-week hiatus to deal with Thanksgiving (I cook a labor intensive meal for family (Thurs) and friends (Fri)), I'm finally back to work. Going back to updating my 2006 Gamebirds, I've started with Northern Bobwhite. After several test renders it appeared quite clear I'm going to have to redo the texture. Sadly for me/Positively great for you (lol), it looks like the majority of my "early" texture maps really don't come near my current standards so the majority are going to be redone (hence alot of extra work I wasn't planning on). Here's a work-in-progress shot of the new bobwhite and the promo render from the old one. I still have to finish the back and tail, add new bump, displacement and specular maps and clean-up everything... but it's a significant improvement.

Oh, what was popular at my Thanksgiving? The clear winners were Versunkener Apfelkuchen (Buttery German Apple Cake), Charred Sweet Potatoes With Hot Honey Butter and Lime and Glazed Leeks With Pine Nut Salsa Verde.


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Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time

You're lucky I live on the "other" coast Ken, or you would've had an unexpected guest for dinner on Friday. :D