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Seliah (Childe of Fyre)

Running with the wolves.
Contributing Artist
Yes. I have gotten that far with it. Is there a way to move them? For example, have the picture tucked into a corner with the text wrapping around it... that kind of thing?


Here are screen caps from OpenOffice, how to insert a pic, and how to export to PDF.




Yes, you can drag the picture to a corner, have it wherever you like....I've never used the wrap feature, but I think it's located under Format.


This is from Kingsoft Writer, almost identical, provided you choose to use the Classic interface. It works better for web based pictures than OpenOffice.




The .doc file for the DS4 Lighting had to be divided in three sections, because of file size limits. You can always combine the parts again for editing.


  • DS4 - LIGHTING - part 1.zip
    459.5 KB · Views: 666


You're certainly welcome...the least I could do after you took the time to share that useful information...at least this way, you can prepare the .docs the way you want them for PDF downloads on your site. You really should do tutorials. You present the information in a clear, step by step method. I think very often manuals are done by technical people, and it's reflected in the method they use, and why program manuals end up explaining where all the buttons are located, but do not reveal in depth as to why they are used, at least in a way that is not loaded with so much technical jargon that one falls asleep trying to get through it...haha. You have a talent for explaining the process in an interesting way, so I hope you will continue doing more tutorials. :)

Seliah (Childe of Fyre)

Running with the wolves.
Contributing Artist
I do actually write tuts and send them into the DS Creative mag on a semi-regular basis (when I have the time..) LOL

I did one "how to make a transparency map" aeons ago, and that's been up on my website for some time now.

I did cover GenX not too long ago; that's also on my website in the Tutorials section, as well as cross posted to ShareCG and my DA gallery... and I ended up breaking it into three installments to help Phil and Camilla fill out tutorial space on the magazine also.

So.. yeah. I have started writing them a lot lately, it seems. LOL I will get all of these little tuts up to my freebie areas after Nataani is in QA. ;)

Thanks for that. I was actually going to go looking for Kingsoft, as I really can't stand the interface on Open Office at all... I only deal with it when I absolutely have to. LOL I loved MS Word, but I'll be damned if I pay a monthly subscription to use their software. They gouge us enough for other things. No way is this wolf shaving off anymore fur for another M$ software. :p

I will definitely give Kingsoft a spin, though. It looks more like the old M$ interface that I was so comfy in for so long. :D


I most often use Kingsoft....if I see stuff on the internet that I need to remember, an article, whatever, it will copy and paste including pics better than Open Office...most of the time it will work...there are exceptions. It has especially been helpful in gathering information how to get control of various functions in Windows...helps if the pictures of how to do it or where it's located are included, and Kingsoft does a much better job with this. When you install it, it asks if you prefer CLASSIC, which is like the old Microsoft Word years ago, or if you want the new style tabbed interface, which is what MS Word looks like currently since about 2010. I opted for the old vintage style, which is what is pictured in the screen captures.


Hey Sanbie...I agree, if I can view it offline, I can go at my own speed without internet connection issues. My main workstation is set up almost like a spaceship or something...the one on the left does the forum, downloads, and email...the one in the middle is the 3D workstation, and the one on the far right is a PDF viewer or plays tutorial videos full screen. That way I can multi-task using older systems and still keep things rolling...and they are all connected by Dropbox. I had the same three-drive configuration on my job, so I figure if the method's not broke, don't try to fix it...haha.

Seliah (Childe of Fyre)

Running with the wolves.
Contributing Artist
Yep I now have all your tutorials on pdf for me to peruse any time I need too

Someone did a PDF version of my GenX tut, too... I can't recall his name, but I know I made a note on the description along with a link to the gentleman's posting of the PDF. He had asked me about it in a PM before releasing it, and I told him it was fine to put it out there and thanked him for doing it. LOL So the GenX tut also now has a PDF version as well..

When you install it, it asks if you prefer CLASSIC, which is like the old Microsoft Word years ago, or if you want the new style tabbed interface, which is what MS Word looks like currently since about 2010. I opted for the old vintage style, which is what is pictured in the screen captures.

Yep. That actually sounds like exactly what I want/need for a word program! LOL Thanks again, Sky. :)