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Here's a simplified model. The .duf imports nicely into Carrara, giving access to all the parts, so it may be possible to cut it down a little, like the Hillbilly truck....that is, the area of the trunk and convertible top.



No, just took a closer look in Carrara...the trunk parts are welded together, so will have to build the truck bed to cover the trunk. It won't be authentic, but close enough for Doc and Hein Hillbillies :)


Dances with Bees
lol... yep.. heaps of stuff... I look at some things I wanna do and say nuh.... but Carrara is pretty useful for easy stuff..

oh.. it doesn't include the hand lol.. that's just a Poser hand prop I used.


I have not had such issues with Win10 Pro. Perhaps the difference is the Pro version? My computer only has 8GB of RAM. And my C:\ drive is only a 500GB drive, so less than that free. In fact, it has 355.4 GB free space. I have not had an update stall or go into an endless loop. My Internet is only at 100Gb, download and upload (Fios). Our laptop is not a powerhouse but that has not stalled or crashed during an update, either. And that one is not Win10 Pro, it's the Home version. The laptop has only 6GB of RAM. It's not the fastest machine, either. I have a Core2 Duo in my machine, cores running at 3.0 GHz each. The laptop is a Core i3. I thought it would be faster than mine, but it's not.



Interesting. I wonder what is going wrong then. My mother didn't have any problems that I'm aware of on her laptop either.


Wow, today was grocery errand day, and I was especially tired when I returned home....so I just woke from my afternoon nap...at 10:00 pm! I slept seven straight hours without stirring. I haven't done that in years!

Okay...I think I've read all the posts....I like the silver surfer Linda :) Hehe....

Agree, good job on the box Stezza :)

Hey Terre :)

And DanaTA...the reasons for a boot failure are numerous...see article I posted about the subject. One glaring difference that I saw in your system is you're on Fios. I've used Fios before at a friend's house, and downloads where like zzzzzziIP, and it's completed. Our internet doesn't zip doing anything...the download process is painfully slow, with lot's of opportunities for corrupted files, or failures altogether. From what you've described, my drive in the kitchen has a similar speed. It doesn't appear to be a hardware failure, as the progress wheel is still spinning on screen...and this is what, day three now? According to the article, a computer could fail to update if it's wanting updated graphics drivers, which is insane that it can't roll itself back in order to correct it. I've just decided to let it sit there and twirl, and be a daily reminder to me to never allow Microsoft near my better workstation....ever again. Fool me once, shame on you....fool me twice, shame on me :/ My crazy, wild driving friend friend and co-worker for 30 years used to have a saying...."the first time a man abuses you, it's his fault...but the second time he abuses you, it's your fault...because of how you didn't deal with it the first time"...I think it applies here.

Well, I'm bright-eyed and busy tailed...this could be dangerous...haha. So let's see what old sky can cook up in the lab tonight :)



Hey Miss B :) Isn't it the truth! Since I've retired, I don't get as exhausted as I used to when I was yet working...so it takes a lot for me to feel the need for serious sleep, and I tend to sleep lighter now. But running errands today, I did get totally worn out...and at my age, what comes with that is the feeling of "an elephant sitting on my chest" until I've rested. So I feel great now, and the old elephant took a hike :)


Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
See, now I was just the opposite. I've always been one who liked staying up late at night, even when I had to be up very early to get to work during the week. On Saturdays, when my mom was still alive, I used to pick her up to do our weekly shopping, and then would take her out to dinner after dropping all our groceries off at our respective apartments. Sunday, back then, was the only day I could really sleep late to make up for the not enough sleep I was getting the rest of the week. Yet I managed quite well.

In the 15 years since I've retired, it took quite a while before I needed to sleep late. The first few years I was out of bed no later then 10:00am, and in bed around midnight. Now-a-days, I'm LUCKY if I can get up before 11:00am, and am usually up until 1:00am or later. Sometimes I wish I could get back to the hours I kept when I first retired, but I don't see it happening any time soon.


I have always been a night owl, all my life. But, I also could get up early and get going. That was always the way I did things. Rather than get up and go sit in a rocker and fall back to sleep, I got up, got in the shower, ate, and got out to work. As such, I didn't need much time in the morning. Within and hour and a half, or sometimes just an hour, I was already out of the house. I used to get by just fine, with plenty of energy, on as little as four hours' sleep. Diane couldn't understand it. Of course, when I did get tired, I'd be ready for sleep. I have been known to fall asleep while standing up. One night, we were leaving friends place, standing there talking and saying goodnight. It dragged on, and suddenly I threw my arms out to my sides...to keep my balance...because I had fallen asleep, and I think some laughter woke me. Our guests promptly threw me out. "Go home! Go to bed!" Everybody laughed about that for some time. When I was really young, nothing would wake me. Very loud thunderstorms had no effect on me. One night, there was a fire at a house next door. Sirens going off, all kinds of noise. Mom told me about it the next day. These days, the slightest noise wakes me. I've been getting better and having more solid sleep lately. Some issues caused me to have very little sleep for a few years.


Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
I don't usually hear loud noises unless it's in my apartment. We had a fire in the building earlier this year, and I never knew about it until I heard our doorman talking to one of my neighbors about it. I never heard the fire engines or the ambulance. Slept right through it.

I also live about 10 minutes (drive time) from LaGuardia airport, and even though they don't fly all night, they don't wake me up in the morning either.


If anyone is interested in these Doc Pitterbill morph/poses, I've zipped Doc Matt and Doc Festus, and attached them to this post. Have fun :)

DOC  - MATT.jpg



  • DOC - MATT and FESTUS.zip
    178 KB · Views: 241