• Welcome to the Community Forums at HiveWire 3D! Please note that the user name you choose for our forum will be displayed to the public. Our store was closed as January 4, 2021. You can find HiveWire 3D and Lisa's Botanicals products, as well as many of our Contributing Artists, at Renderosity. This thread lists where many are now selling their products. Renderosity is generously putting products which were purchased at HiveWire 3D and are now sold at their store into customer accounts by gifting them. This is not an overnight process so please be patient, if you have already emailed them about this. If you have NOT emailed them, please see the 2nd post in this thread for instructions on what you need to do



Hey Terre, Miss B :) I've been off web building....it's been awhile since I did any coding, so it was a refresher course...haha.

...and I'm right back off again, since I need to rest some. Catch up with everyone later :)

Seliah (Childe of Fyre)

Running with the wolves.
Contributing Artist
Hope everything is going well for you today, Sky. :) I'm still trying to figure out how to save that morph brush fix into Nataani's INJ. I might not be comfy in the program, but I'm determined to learn it for content support reasons. :D

I have to give a presentation tonight to the church board... groans... on that anniversary book. So I won't be around while that's going on, but I want to get his dirty skin MATs made tonight, so I will be on afterwards, once we've gotten back home.

I don't do well with public speaking! :rofl:


Good afternoon everyone. You'll do just fine Seliah, just be yourself....and focus on the project if the people make you nervous. You're an artist...so present your work, which I'm sure was done very well. Everybody gets a case of the butterflies in front of people. But just remember....they asked you, because they thought you'd do a good job. So try to borrow some confidence from the fact that you were invited :) Go girl!


I rebuilt one of my websites yesterday. One of the hosts I've used for the past 17 years has a habit of changing their web building software every few years...and that time had rolled around again. At first I thought to just zap the site, but since they were the first and I'd been with them so long, decided to rebuild one more time. At least it gave me incentive to tackle updating the larger site, probably today. So I've been a little scarce too :)

Seliah (Childe of Fyre)

Running with the wolves.
Contributing Artist
Does anyone? Yeah, maybe I should clarify that. Does anyone who's not a politician, do well with public speaking?

LOL - You might just be right. I have a bad habit of freezing in situations like these. Hopefully tonight goes a bit better than that. :D

One of the hosts I've used for the past 17 years has a habit of changing their web building software every few years...and that time had rolled around again.

I admit that I'm confused. Omnis (my webhost for my own website) does change their software every so often, but it's never affected my website. They can change anything they want on the back end, for the most part, and my website isn't affected. Maybe it's because I built my site by hand coding in Notepad, rather than relying on a hosting company's building software? That's a massive job to rebuild everything... I wouldn't know where to begin with my site!

Good afternoon everyone. You'll do just fine Seliah, just be yourself....and focus on the project if the people make you nervous. You're an artist...so present your work, which I'm sure was done very well.

That's kind of what I'm trying to do. I'm not very keen on speaking; never have been. I used to freeze even in middle and high school when we had to do in-class presentations; I had a habit of stammering my way through... hopefully that doesn't happen tonight. ;)


Tonight will just be a step toward getting better at it :)

The particular website I was referring to is with a group of church sites and ministries, and they use a particular software to run the hosting service. So, this happens to be flavor of the year...haha. Because of who they are, I'll stick with it at least for one more round. And building doesn't bother me...once I get into the flow, it usually moves along quickly, and improves a little each time...it's just the knee jerk decisions to do these things that can be a little overwhelming. From what I can glean, this is their best effort toward maintaining security....since their main focus has been ministry, and not professional internet security....and in all fairness, who really can be totally secure these days. It's just their way of being a harder to hit "moving target". I've never had a problem like that, but then I don't do commercial carts online, for myself or anyone else....however, most all of the churches and ministries that they host do, so their just protecting their own.

Seliah (Childe of Fyre)

Running with the wolves.
Contributing Artist
Ah.. yes, I understand now. That does make a difference, yeah. I don't do checkout carts or anything like that on my website, either. Though I do need to remove the "store" page for CP and replace it with a link to my HiveWire storefront now. I took down all of my CP items some time ago, so those are all dead links anyway. LOL

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
LOL - You might just be right. I have a bad habit of freezing in situations like these. Hopefully tonight goes a bit better than that. :D
~fingers crossed~

I admit that I'm confused. Omnis (my webhost for my own website) does change their software every so often, but it's never affected my website. They can change anything they want on the back end, for the most part, and my website isn't affected. Maybe it's because I built my site by hand coding in Notepad, rather than relying on a hosting company's building software? That's a massive job to rebuild everything... I wouldn't know where to begin with my site!
Yup, I host all my sites with DreamHost, which isn't a "free" hosting site, and I too code all my sites by hand, though not in Notepad. They also update PHP and other services now and then, and I have as yet had a problem with any of my sites needing to be redone.

My first site was on a then freebie hosting company called Tripod, that eventually got swallowed up by Lycos, but I did the coding myself then as well. Of course that was about 20 years ago, and I was just learning how to code for the web.


I pretty much did the same thing Miss B...I kept the anchor site on the ministry server, but taught myself basic HTML using places like Tripod, Homestead and Geocities. I really liked Geocities, and learned how to do pretty much anything I needed to do there. I taught myself coding like Seliah describes learning by taking things apart....I'd take pieces of code and see what it would do. I joined a lot of artistic and ministry web rings back in the day, and I'd even experiment with their codes to paste in, and learned how to do things like tables and boxes, sizing and color, and page placement. I really liked doing it that way. Originally the ministry hosting had a web building tool that allowed for both...so I'd take what I learned at Geocities and apply it there. I'd get emails from people "how in the world did you get that on your page??" Geocities eventually went down (cause for mourning), and free services became more and more locked in to using web builders. Weebly.com has the best free service currently...their main shortcoming is, in catering more and more to mobile web building, some of their functions have become a bit screwed up...font color choice and applying links is becoming spongey and unreliable, and it used to be a sure thing. But as far as the ads, they are the least obnoxious of all the free services, just a small brand at the bottom of the page, much like Homestead used to be. Younger folks are probably going "what's Homestead"....this is 20 year old stuff we're talking about, and the internet was sure fun back then :)

Well, website number two has been updated this afternoon, so it's time for me to rest a little. Catch you all later :)

Seliah (Childe of Fyre)

Running with the wolves.
Contributing Artist
Geocities! OMG, that is going WAY back. Remember when MOST of 3DCommune and Rendo's freebies were all hosted on Geocities websites... and there were bandwidth limits which were not by any means sufficient for 3D freebie websites?? LOL!

Yeah, my first site was on Geocities. I skipped Lycos, hated Tripod, Homestead was okayish... I eventually ended up hosting with Omnis, and I've been with them for at least ten years now.

~fingers crossed~

It went okay, thankfully. For the most part. I still froze a time or two... thankfully my Bear, who is used to my occasional freezes/nonverbal moments stepped in and kept the talking going until I got my voice back. But it's over with, finally.

They want two small changes... but other than that, it's all been approved by the board. Whew!


Applause :applause: You did it :) And if you had only a couple brief pauses, that's doing good. I guess you're feeling relief now equal to passing final exams, knowing that it's over...haha.


Figured I'd get a laugh off of Geocities...that's okay, I cut my teeth at that place. At one time I had two domain names for two very large sites, but when I retired I looked for a free alternative...and weebly didn't have a lot of restrictions or file size limits, so I dropped the domains and went with the free hosts. Being really active on the internet years ago, I was awarded two full feature sites by a webmaster's group, and I need to get in those and update them since they have been functional all these years....I deliberately saved them for retirement, and I wanted to see if they would remain functional, not being tied to an email account...and they have, with no emails calling back to the mothership, so I have a feeling that those two sites will remain on the internet even when I'm not around anymore. So, updating websites is on my list of retirement priorities now.


I was trying to find Ringo Monfort online last night. Carrara users will recognize his name for the shader packages he's created. Years ago he invited me to join an online group of Christian 3D artists, and I contacted JR Bell and Ted Larson (I was already using John's art regularly on my site with his permission...and wishing for the day when I could do 3D art like that), so they could also be a part....and for awhile there were some interesting things being created...but the years passed, I got heavily involved in helping Sarah and dropped out of the loop. Mostly my crazy job had me going in circles. Anyway, I regret losing touch with those guys. Actually, I guess that was my first exposure to what we call 3D art...that was nearly 20 years ago when I was emailing back and forth with John, and it took 10 more years before I was creating anything worth posting on the site. I was thinking about it today, how John Bell was pointing the way to go way before I could even recognize the "road sign". This was one of his early images that appeared on my first website...I've cropped off the scripture reference so as not to offend...but he was doing this type of work before there was a Poser program.
