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Show Us Your Dawn Renders!


Another hairstyle HR-253 from Ali, this was a Poser 12 render but opened it in Poser 13 and removed all the lights. Added an enviro dome and that was it.

HR 253 Hair GS II PW HW.jpg

Dress is, of course, from Ken1171_designs.


Just another render of the jpop outfit on the freebie alexa character. Essentially, the same as before.

But, In this case, I had to substantially alter the mesh of the outfit ( since I sculted and added morphs, etc.) The previous image just fit the outfit for the render. It was rigged but did not move well.

This is what I wanted to ask people. The original outfit, nice as it is is full of non-manifold bits. Obviously, it's much easier to craft, This especially happens when a detailed piece butts up against a low resolution piece. From a visual standpoint, the two piece can overlap and intersect each other, no worry. Like the side seam down into the skirt. Skirt is one part, bodice is another. A non manifold mesh (excluding the opening, which are non-manifold). But when you morph or sculpt (or otherwise fit) it falls apart. I find it's easier to bring it into blender, select the non manifold (non-opening) edges then stitch them together (some auto, some by hand). At least, that way sculpting (or morph smoothing) doesn't pull the pieces apart.

Is this the easiest way to do this? Is there a better way? Blender does have a "lock the edge" option but that locks it absolutely. Poser doesn't have an equivalent. I wish there was a way to lock edges to moving only along the normal. They would not tear apart or relocated, except closer are farther. That single thing would make sculpting SO much easier. I find that character morphs when the verts only move along normal produce a result that works much better with the underlying figure ( textures and morphs).

I might write a blender add-on for this. I'm not sure how. But anything can be done in Blender. I don't see a way in Poser to do the equivalent. it's just not a mesh editing tool. It's amazing it has the morph tool (which actually does some types of morphs much better. Fit rules! :)

Untitled 4.png


My first render for a few weeks now as I have been concentrating more on the hardware side of my Poser world rather than the creation side. For a number of years now I have used a PC based on a Ryzen Threadipper CPU cooled with liquid cooling. Over those same years I think a few conditions have changed, for a start the summer months have been hotter but I also think that, as I have become older, I have become more sensitive to both heat and the cold. It is also true the cooling on the PC has become louder. So it needed to change, for a start, the same machine will continue to be used for the final render a PC but I have moved it out of the office and into the garage. With that out of the office I have added a new front end in the form of a Geekom A5 mini PC equipped with an AMD Ryzen 9 5900HX. With eight cores and 16 threads it is at least Poser friendly. A 1tb M.2 drive, 32g Ram and Radeon Vega eight graphics finishes the package. The unit can drive up to eight monitors so it does not sweat over the pair I have. Connection and control of the unit in the garage is by Multiplicity by Stardock which can control up to nine units with just the single keyboard and mouse.

Plan is to switch the render unit on in the garage in the morning, once that is done I can switch it off at any point in the day. The Geekom A5 comes already installed with Windows 11 Pro so I can use it as a general home/office PC but also create Poser scenes. Completing a full render is possible on the A5, if pushed, and therefore test renders are a doddle. When I am happy I send the scene to the rendering unit in the garage and let Queue manager do the rest.

The main benefits are I have a much cooler office with less noise and a great deal more space along with a unit running Windows 11 capable of running with online banking.

First Full PW HW.jpg

This was a pure Geekom A5 render using CPU fast setting and it took just short of 12 minutes.

Mariette Hair HW.jpg

This is the new Mariette hair from RPublishing and Afrodite-Ohki set up using the Geekom and then rendered on my normal machine using Queue manager.

Still a few niggle's to soft out but nothing much, the only big problem was first selection of mini PC and I went for a Geekcom with a i7 CPU that started switching of randomly while I was working and the graphics were very cartoon like. I was more than happy with the build quality so I stuk with Geekom but paid slightly more and purchased the O%. Preview graphics are stunning as is the rest of the PC. I am really looking forward get into Poser on a regular basis.


My first render for a few weeks now as I have been concentrating more on the hardware side of my Poser world rather than the creation side. For a number of years now I have used a PC based on a Ryzen Threadipper CPU cooled with liquid cooling. Over those same years I think a few conditions have changed, for a start the summer months have been hotter but I also think that, as I have become older, I have become more sensitive to both heat and the cold. It is also true the cooling on the PC has become louder. So it needed to change, for a start, the same machine will continue to be used for the final render a PC but I have moved it out of the office and into the garage. With that out of the office I have added a new front end in the form of a Geekom A5 mini PC equipped with an AMD Ryzen 9 5900HX. With eight cores and 16 threads it is at least Poser friendly. A 1tb M.2 drive, 32g Ram and Radeon Vega eight graphics finishes the package. The unit can drive up to eight monitors so it does not sweat over the pair I have. Connection and control of the unit in the garage is by Multiplicity by Stardock which can control up to nine units with just the single keyboard and mouse.
No warp drive? I used to think you were *serious* about this sort of thing. I must say... I'm a little disillusioned o.o

At least tell me the lights in the neighbourhood dim when you render.


No warp drive? I used to think you were *serious* about this sort of thing. I must say... I'm a little disillusioned o.o

At least tell me the lights in the neighbourhood dim when you render.

Yea, perhaps I am being little too gushing but I am a little surprised to discover a unit like this. I have now maxed out the Geekcom900 so it now has 64gig of ram, two M.2 1tb drives and I have added an SSD in the space provided in the form of a 2tb Samsung 870. Externally it has 4 1tb SSDs and 2 2tb SSDs, two monitors and a Bose system plugged into the audio.

Nothing really special in any of that and most of the drives were just moved over from my old render PC. What has blown me away is the fact is it can render the same complex scene as my Render PC, albeit and lot slower, and that it cost me one eighth of what I paid for my render PC five years ago. Add that to the fact that the unit is 120 X 130 X 58mm and runs quieter than my old render PC and I have to admit to being slightly blown away.


Yea, perhaps I am being little too gushing but I am a little surprised to discover a unit like this. I have now maxed out the Geekcom900 so it now has 64gig of ram, two M.2 1tb drives and I have added an SSD in the space provided in the form of a 2tb Samsung 870. Externally it has 4 1tb SSDs and 2 2tb SSDs, two monitors and a Bose system plugged into the audio.

Nothing really special in any of that and most of the drives were just moved over from my old render PC. What has blown me away is the fact is it can render the same complex scene as my Render PC, albeit and lot slower, and that it cost me one eighth of what I paid for my render PC five years ago. Add that to the fact that the unit is 120 X 130 X 58mm and runs quieter than my old render PC and I have to admit to being slightly blown away.
Gushing? More like totally geeking out! :p

It made me smile ^.^

So few people I encounter day-to-day can (or will) geek out to that degree. It feels good to know there are others with the same mental illness as me :D

I wonder if there are specialised therapists just for people like us... o_O


Gushing? More like totally geeking out! :p

It made me smile ^.^

So few people I encounter day-to-day can (or will) geek out to that degree. It feels good to know there are others with the same mental illness as me :D

I wonder if there are specialised therapists just for people like us... o_O

Too be honest, when you reach the age I have, it is something quite special to find anything that you can regard as exciting so yes, I will happily admit to being a geek. Mind you I am very thankful for your response as anything that suggest I am not normal is equally welcome.

Are there any specialist therapist in existence for any condition such as this. Most such people seem to be busy trying to rewrite classic novels and fairy stories. There again I am strange for given the opportunity to read something written by Charles Dickens in his own words and a modern day 'corrected' version I would go for the former every time.


Something older recreated using something newer ^.^
alexa 5-c.png

Cleaning up HDs and backups of years (decades?) worth of images. Old, old Poser stuff. As old as V2 and pre-dating dynamic cloth. Some pre-dating a mac version of Poser. In any case, there's some nifty V4 stuff, since she was the first figure to have such a large library of morphs for character making. Of course, this is not then. But I got the idea of trying to see if I could recreate some of that stuff, using Dawn (and P12, since I'm on a mac and there's no P13 for it. yet.)

This is a Dawn character of mine. Ghostship lights and eyes. Supershader mats with my own and some original textures over top. Poser hair on the buntail :) A dynamic dress I made *ages* ago. Deadybear. Paradise hair. Ballet flats. I ported the flats to Dawn (adjusting in Blender). Don't remember where the ribbons and bow came from. This was originally a v4 character. Dawn works very nicely as a swap for V4. And Dawn's mesh bends and morphs much nicer.

Two features I would like in Poser:

One: being able to reset (or zero) a dial group from the group label. Super handy for how I've group Paradise hair (heaps of morphs, split left and right). Would be nice to zero (say) the right group (dozens of micro-morphs) with a single click.

Two: have a "made solid" like blender has for cloth simulation. For openings (non-manifold edge loops) it generated an actual geometric edge. Manually, this is selecting the edge faces, solidifying them and bevelling the edges with overlap clamping and 3 faces each bevel. In blender it's just something you can turn on in a cloth sim. For this, I exported the sim'd cloth as an OBJ, did that manual process in Blender (doesn't take long), then import it back to poser. UV and mats are retained.

The character was made in Blender (Sculpt), where I have a master Dawn figure and just sculpt shape keys. They can be blended each using a different vert weight map if you want. Sometimes I also morph in poser and use my "poser unimesh" add-on for Blender to bring a poser morph in as yet another shape key of the unimesh.

Porting shoes from v4 to Dawn is a PITA due to V4s weird leg and foot position. I'm just going to write a script for Blender that does it for me. Probably the next V4 image I recreate :p

Lastly, I learned some punishing lessons on making the morph for this character. This is (I think) a freebie. But I found a bug in the teeth. There was a couple of verts that were messed up. Of course, in the front teeth. You don't notice unless there's an open mouth expression. I fixed it. Two: be very careful in facial morphing. Not paying attention to how verts are moving can really mess up other facial morphs (expressions). I fixed it so that the face works well with the expressions. Three, eye centers. Really need to be adjusted. Four, do NOT mess with where the hands and feet are unless you're prepared to really mess with the skeleton. Which, for hands can be brutal.

Anyway, I got it all working. It was really just a break from a bunch of other stuff I'm doing and it gave me an excuse to play with Dawn without having to be all creative :D


Screenshot 2023-07-31 at 8.31.25 pm.png

Nothing new. But, there's still 3.5 hours to make the deadline.

Meanwhile, back in ol'techville (where uncle Joe moves kind of slow):

Untitled 2.jpg

This image just kept growing. 2 dawns and 2 vickie wm's. There was a dusk but none of his clothing would conform correctly. I dunno if it's a difference in the Dusk versions. It was weird. I tried to sub a Michael but the last "omg, hd lost" a few years ago and I never installed his clothing. So he had nothing to wear but a smile.

I hit a weird bug that took me a day to narrow down. All of a sudden, every texture in the image, when rendered with superfly (CPU, GPU any quality) would render as black. The SSS and specular etc would render but all image maps were black. I tried everything. Saving scene, saving everything one by one, loading into new file. And that was when I found that one of the V4 hairstyles, if in a scene, while everything looked fine and rendered with ff, every single texture in superfly was black. OMG, never seen something like that before. And this is a heavy scene for Poser (not for my computer which has more RAM and CPU than the matrix).

Sort of "meh" twiggy characters (mine, quick sculpt, there are bugs) I did port those clothing things from V4 to Dawn. Not having heaps of JCMs it's a lot easier. Some poser morphing, some blender sculpting and it's just fine. A simplistic PBR skin mat (tossed together from a very informative BB thread). ghostship eyes (because). ezdome because it just work. bug in P12 with v1.7 (positioning sun, in GUI) but still works well enough.

various supershaders which are easy enough to spot. This should have taken a few hours instead of a couple of days. P12 crashed half a dozen times. Usually in the mat room. Sometimes, just by apply a mat with double click. A few times, just by clicking in hierarchy editor. The GUI lag is brutal. non-drag and drop windows keep accidentally floating. Dials move position in parameters. Things in hierarchy editor. It's like the button release lags behind actually letting go.

Anyway... more dawn because I have nothing new.

Has anyone noticed that Dusk has almost nothing to wear? I though Michael was limited. And Le Homme. But Dusk... Pretty much nothing. o_O

Of course, the loincloth came out within seconds of the figure. But man does not live by loincloth alone.

There's a sentence you probably haven't heard before. And now you can't un-hear it.

You're welcome. :p

PS: incidentally, while there's nothing weird to see V4 lounging in a bikini, Dusk lounging in his speedo (only clothing he has) looked silly. Why is that? o_O

PPS: Maybe there's more than one standard.

PPPS: nuts. Now I want a strawberry slushie. And it's night; no joy. Milo ice cream it is!


Hi. I've been on a quest to render using Firefly. I'm trying to match some of the renders I've seen that used Iray and Superfly. So far, this one is Dawn as Asia. Firefly all the way. PS. I'm a newbee to this forum but have used Poser since 6 I recall. I used to use DS but found Poser more to my liking.


  • laFemmeJewelryFirefly4vwAsia.jpg
    565.1 KB · Views: 222


Lost Mad Soul
Contributing Artist
@Nyx_Nine welcome to the Hivewire Forums. If I were not so out of practice I would offer some Firefly tips. I still primarily use Firefly when I do get to render.