• Welcome to the Community Forums at HiveWire 3D! Please note that the user name you choose for our forum will be displayed to the public. Our store was closed as January 4, 2021. You can find HiveWire 3D and Lisa's Botanicals products, as well as many of our Contributing Artists, at Renderosity. This thread lists where many are now selling their products. Renderosity is generously putting products which were purchased at HiveWire 3D and are now sold at their store into customer accounts by gifting them. This is not an overnight process so please be patient, if you have already emailed them about this. If you have NOT emailed them, please see the 2nd post in this thread for instructions on what you need to do


March 17th celebrates the heritage and culture of the Irish.

Happy St. Patrick's Day everyone!


HiveWire Horse by HiveWire3D & CWRW at Renderosity
HiveWire Draft Horse by HiveWire3D & CWRW at Renderosity
CWRW Ultra Textures for the HiveWire Horse Pack 1 at Renderosity

Songbird ReMix European Edition (European Starling) by Ken _Gilliland at Renderosity

Acacia tree by black-everyday at ShareCG
Scotch heather-06 by KKVIZ (CGTrader Freebie)
Scotch heather-07 by KKVIZ (CGTrader Freebie)
Grass and Rock Ground Prop Set by fictionalbookshelf at Renderosity
Foggy Landscapes by -Melkor- at Renderosity

Magic Meadow
View attachment 73003
Thank you and beautiful render!
It also celebrates the man Patricius, who, at great danger to himself and much personal hardship (escaped from slavery only to return to the country where he had been a slave), brought the Gospel to the Irish people and stayed with them to disciple them.


Breezy Spring Day
Spring Day.jpg


  • Spring Day01.jpg
    Spring Day01.jpg
    67.7 KB · Views: 228


Wolff Playing with Beez!
Contributing Artist
Is that the default main and forelocks or some additions? These all look so wonderful!



HiveWire Foal by ChristopherCreek Art, CGCubed & CWRW at Renderosity
HiveWire Horse by ChristopherCreek Art, CGCubed & CWRW at Renderosity
HiveWire Thoroughbred by HiveWire3D and cwrw at Renderosity

HiveWire House Cat by HiveWire3D & cwrw at Renderosity
CWRW Orange Tabby for the HiveWire House Cat by cwrw at Renderosity

Nature's Wonders Moths of the World Vol. 2 (Suraka Silk Moth) by Ken Gilliland at Renderosity

Lisa's Botanicals - Forget-Me-Not by Lisas_Botanicals at Renderosity

FlinksInstantMeadow by Flink at Renderosity
Rowan Trees Megapack by esha at DAZ
The Elven Wood by Susan Justice (formerly McKivergan) at Renderosity

Spring Splendor
Spring Splendar.jpg


Over the past few years, I have done several horse pictures that I have never gotten around to posting.

I hope that you will enjoy seeing them now.


HiveWire Horse by HiveWire3D and cwrw at Renderosity
HiveWire Unicorn by HiveWire3D and cwrw at Renderosity

Nature's Wonders Moths of the World Vol. 3 (Faithful Beauty Moth) by Ken Gilliland at Renderosity
Songbird ReMix Sea Birds 2 (Western Gull) by Ken _Gilliland at Renderosity

Pred Pack-Grass One by Predatron at DAZ
Sakura Tree by moonikoffice at CG Trader
Piles Of Cotton Clouds by PhotoGG formerly at HiveWire3D
Public Domain Photo from pxhere

Glistening Silver
Glistening Silver.jpg


This picture was started in 2019 & revised this year!


HiveWire Horse by ChristopherCreek Art, CGCubed & CWRW at HiveWire3D
CWRW Grullas for the HiveWire Horse by CWRW at HiveWire3D

Nature's Wonders Moths of the World Vol. 1 (One-eyed Sphinx) by Ken Gilliland at HiveWire3D

Enchanted Hill by Daniela Hobracht (Danie), Martin Fornoni (marforno) at Renderosity
Simple Backdrop by RachealMarie at Renderosity Free Stuff
Beautiful Gothic XIII - Elven by Susan Justice AKA Sveva at Renderosity

Beauty Amongst the Ruins
Beauty Amongst the Ruins.jpg


Here is that beautiful, soft & gentle Grulla horse color by Laurie again.


HiveWire Horse by ChristopherCreek Art, CGCubed & CWRW at Renderosity
HiveWire Horse - Arabian by HiveWire3D and CWRW at Renderosity
CWRW Grullas for the HiveWire Horse by CWRW at Renderosity

Nature's Wonders Moths of the World Vol. 2 (Crimson Speckled Flunkey) by Ken Gilliland at Renderosity

Flinks Grass 3 by Flink at Renderosity
XfrogPlants Europe-1 Version 2.0 (European Hackberry) at DAZ
3D Scenery-Frozen Riverbank Fence by ShaaraMuse3D at Renderosity
Do You See the Light? by patslash at Renderosity
Photo Props Forest Mushrooms 01 by ShaaraMuse3D at Renderosity
Traveler's Naturals - Flowers Vol 1 - Cosmos by Traveler at DAZ
Northern Soul by Matthew Pinchbeck (aka Caisson) formerly at RDNA
Soft Moods by Melkor at Renderosity



I really love this color & I appreciate your ratings & comments. They mean a lot to me! Thank you.


HiveWire Horse by ChristopherCreek Art, CGCubed & CWRW at HiveWire3D
HiveWire Foal by ChristopherCreek Art, CGCubed & CWRW at HiveWire3D
CWRW Grullas for the HiveWire Horse by CWRW at HiveWire3D

Nature's Wonders Giant Moths (Cecropia Silk Moth) by Ken Gilliland at HiveWire3D

Cherry Tree by Lisa Botanicals at HiveWire 3D
FantaStar by Lisa Botanicals at HiveWire 3D
Forget Me Not by Lisa Botanicals at HiveWire 3D

Flinks Instant Meadow 2 - Flowers by Flink at Renderosity
Legends of Fantasy by Susan Justice (formerly McKivergan) at Renderosity
Angelic Backgrounds by Susan Justice (formerly McKivergan) at Renderosity

Frolicking Foals
Frolicking Foals.jpg


Sometimes it's like pictures want to be made, other times they will argue with you until the end & you will either win or give up. This is one of those pictures I had to fight with for years. But I think I saved it from the trash bin - finally!


HiveWire Unicorn by ChristopherCreek Art, CGCubed & CWRW at HiveWire3D
HiveWire Horse by ChristopherCreek Art, CGCubed & CWRW at HiveWire3D

Songbird ReMix (Cardinal) by BLRender & Ken_Gilliland at Renderosity

Flinks Blossom Bushes 4 by Flink at Renderosity
Long Grass-Essential Grassland Flowers and Plants by MartinJFrost at DAZ 3D
Simply Grass-The Rough Stuff by MartinJFrost at DAZ 3D
Legends of Fantasy by Susan Justice (formerly McKivergan) at Renderosity
Fantasy Scenery 2 by Carole70 at Renderosity

A Glow in the Forest
A Glow in the Forest.jpg


This picture wasn't quite as stubborn as "A Glow in the Forest", but it too was one that I started arguing with years ago.


HiveWire Horse by ChristopherCreek Art, CGCubed & CWRW at Renderosity
HiveWire Horse - Arabian by HiveWire3D and CWRW at Renderosity
HiveWire Unicorn by ChristopherCreek Art, CGCubed & CWRW at HiveWire3D

Songbird ReMix Peafowl Variants (Leucistic Indian Peafowl) by Ken _Gilliland at Renderosity
Songbird ReMix Birds of Legend (The Peace Dove) by Ken _Gilliland at Renderosity

Lisa's Botanicals - Faerie Flower II by Lisas_Botanicals at Renderosity

Legends of Fantasy by Susan Justice (formerly McKivergan) at Renderosity
ArtMeadowsCollection by HilligerMedia at Renderosity
Forgotten Garden by -Melkor- at Renderosity

Floral Fantasy
Floral Fantasy.jpg