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Rowan54's Products on Hivewire3D


Wild Trail Backgrounds - A Rowan54 Creation at HiveWire 3D is in the store.

These photos came from three different places on or near the Snoqualmie Valley Trail in the Snoqualmie Valley. Some are side trails. Some are from an abandoned section of the trail. And some are from a side trail, formerly part of a logging road, that zig-zags down a hillside.

This is a BRAND NEW background set that has never been anywhere else before. The last of the photos were taken only a few days before this was submitted here.

Great Work

I recently picked up most of the forest value stack ( I had already purchased one) and this new set really compliments the set so it is now also in my runtime. All I need to do now is find the time to play on Poser.


HW Honey Bear
I just saw your latest trails set... so strange, this is the second time your scenic remind me of places I have gone in my life... (I live in Southern Calif, which has beaches, deserts, mountains all in an hour's drive)... I HAVE to get your latest and need to catch up and see what else I may have missed. (cause the first set I got is so neat!)


Dragon Queen
Contributing Artist
I just saw your latest trails set... so strange, this is the second time your scenic remind me of places I have gone in my life... (I live in Southern Calif, which has beaches, deserts, mountains all in an hour's drive)... I HAVE to get your latest and need to catch up and see what else I may have missed. (cause the first set I got is so neat!)

Well, I'm in western Washington state, in the Cascade foothills. Mountains within an hour's drive, some beaches in two hours, rivers in walking distance, and deserts also within two hours. Woods --- right outside my window (foggy sunrise, right now).
I've been to southern California and wish I could get there to do photo packages from that location as well. There is some great scenery there. (I'm hoping for a wider variety of environments eventually.)
Thanks for the rave review!


Dragon Queen
Contributing Artist
I recently picked up most of the forest value stack ( I had already purchased one) and this new set really compliments the set so it is now also in my runtime. All I need to do now is find the time to play on Poser.

"Rowan's Forest" and "Foggy Walk" are from places within 5 miles of the three places where I took photos for the "Wild Trail" set. "Campsites" is photos from places that are within 50 miles, but similar types of forests and settings.
I try very hard to make each set on a theme without overlap with the set itself or with other sets. I am hoping someday to get to further flung places and photograph a wider variety of wild places as backgrounds.


HW Honey Bear
Hornet- reminds me of THE 100 (TV show) jungle environment! really neat!


Dragon Queen
Contributing Artist
Snowy Woods Backgrounds - A Rowan54 Creation at HiveWire 3D

These are a collection of snowy woods backgrounds from several photo sessions during several snowstorms over several years.

Snow is difficult to photograph, especially with a point-and-shoot (my main camera is a point-and-shoot), and the interior of woods is also difficult to photograph. Snow because it's too bright, the woods because they're too dark. You'd think they'd cancel each other out and make it easy. Actually, it just made it twice as hard.

And what would have been the very best photos got ruined because they were taken during a blizzard and I hadn't realized that snow had landed on the lens and created this massive blur on every picture. (It was wild out there, getting dark, and I was moving too fast to really look at what I was getting....)

So, finally, there are snowy woods photos.


HW3D President
Staff member
Beautiful work and a solid product. I can already see our upcoming Mule deer in this environment. Many other things too of course.


Dragon Queen
Contributing Artist
Beautiful work and a solid product. I can already see our upcoming Mule deer in this environment. Many other things too of course.

We have white-tailed deer here frequently. Also a black bear. And a pack of coyotes.

I'm sure the mountain lion that was seen last summer less than a mile away was here, too. The neighbor's cat was totally freaked out by something for awhile, and she'd SEEN the bear before, so that wasn't it.

Smaller things include Douglas chickerees (small native squirrel), the occasional gray squirrel (escaped from the city), chipmunks, Stellar's jays, chickadees, juncos, ruby-crowned kinglets, golden crowned kinglets, grosbeaks, flickers, pileated woodpeckers, one of the smaller woodpeckers (I never remember whether Hairy or Downey). Peregrine falcon, great-horned owl (huge & silent even when flying right over one's head), screech owl, and very small owl, red-tailed hawk & Cooper's hawk. Two sizes of weasels (one squirrel sized & golden, the other mouse sized & brown).
This isn't all that lives here. I doubt if I've even SEEN all that lives here and I've been here 64 years.

Of course, one rarely sees more than one or two critters at a time, unless there is a herd of deer, a pack of coyotes, or a flock of birds moving through. Though it wasn't all that long ago that I looked out the window and saw the pack of coyotes trying to run the deer herd to death. I ran out there (bathrobe & slippers, it was very early morning) and the coyotes ran for it. The deer, all five of them, came to a stop and actually walked towards me and then just stood and looked at me. I stood there and talked to them until they decided it was time to go back to being wild again. (No, they didn't come very close, only about 20-30 feet, and had brush between them and me, but this was not their usual behavior, which is to turn around and head for the woods if I'm ANYWHERE outside.)


Dragon Queen
Contributing Artist
Don't forget the eagles, Rowan :)
Bald eagles. Right. And the seagulls. Well, not in the forest for either of them. But on the edges. The seagulls are on the river less than a quarter mile away. The eagles like the big trees on the edges of the forest, near wet areas.
Closest encounter with an eagle was on landing on the road between us and the highway while we were driving. We hit the brakes and saw that it had found a dead animal (road kill?) which I couldn't identify. (Not from that distance with a huge bird sitting on it.) It took it up into a tree to eat it.
The areas just out side of the forest also have rock doves, also known the common pigeons you see in cities. Sometimes called "flying rats".


Looks awesome. Great background for this.

Thank You. I know how busy you are so I am always blown away when you take the time to comment on anything I do. As you say the background is great for this sort of render and I had an idea for something like this as soon as I saw the product. I have purchased a few more since then so I am looking at creating some more as soon as real life gives me time to move into my fantasy world.


Looks awesome. Great background for this.
Snowy Woods Backgrounds - A Rowan54 Creation at HiveWire 3D

These are a collection of snowy woods backgrounds from several photo sessions during several snowstorms over several years.

Snow is difficult to photograph, especially with a point-and-shoot (my main camera is a point-and-shoot), and the interior of woods is also difficult to photograph. Snow because it's too bright, the woods because they're too dark. You'd think they'd cancel each other out and make it easy. Actually, it just made it twice as hard.

And what would have been the very best photos got ruined because they were taken during a blizzard and I hadn't realized that snow had landed on the lens and created this massive blur on every picture. (It was wild out there, getting dark, and I was moving too fast to really look at what I was getting....)

So, finally, there are snowy woods photos.

Well I am not sure what creatures will make it into my version of the wood but I am sure my time travellers will have to cope with a winter very soon so this set has been added to my runtime.

Outside of Poser snow always reminds me of when I was lucky enough to enjoy a year or more living in Sweden a good few years ago now . These are lovely shots and despite the masses of snow they actually give me a warm feeling.


RETIRED HW3D QAV Director (QAV Queen Bee)
Staff member
Bald eagles. Right. And the seagulls. Well, not in the forest for either of them. But on the edges. The seagulls are on the river less than a quarter mile away. The eagles like the big trees on the edges of the forest, near wet areas.

Yep. Where I am, they're all over as I'm close to the water.