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Remember These???


So every spring it was kite Flaying time! :D Sometimes though either we didn't money to buy a kite or a telephone pole ate it. Guess what happened to the Sunday comics?:sneaky:

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
I remember Dick Tracy and Peanuts, but Moon Mullins doesn't look at all familiar.


This ought to date me then. Remember the... MIMEOGRAPH MACHINE??? When you needed a copy... three weeks later! :sneaky:
View attachment 71526

I love the smell of mimeograph ink in the morning! Smells like Junior High School.
(Ok, today it would be Middle School)
I spent a class session 3 days a week as Principal Office Assistant and got to run the machine towards the end of the year.
I am beginning to realize that I didn't attend a lot of classes in 'Middle' and High School. That may explain a few things


  • I remember that Duncan used to name it's yo-yos. The cooler sounding the name, the hotter the yo-yo.
  • The Imperial
  • The Sonic Satellite
  • The Butterfly
  • The BumbleBee
  • The Dragonfly
  • The Speed Beetle
  • The ProYo
  • The ProFire
  • The ProFly
  • The Mosquito
  • The Flying Squirrel
  • The Throwmonkey
  • The Flying Panda


  • I remember that Duncan used to name it's yo-yos. The cooler sounding the name, the hotter the yo-yo.
  • The Imperial
  • The Sonic Satellite
  • The Butterfly
  • The BumbleBee
  • The Dragonfly
  • The Speed Beetle
  • The ProYo
  • The ProFire
  • The ProFly
  • The Mosquito
  • The Flying Squirrel
  • The Throwmonkey
  • The Flying Panda
LOL...some sound like names out of the Kama Sutra.


Go fly a kite! :p Used to be a way to say, "Get out of here!" "Beat it!" "Scram!" Or other more crude expressions. Only it sounded a little more polite.



Remember him?? Not funny, but true story, When I was a kid, my mother had to take me and my brother to a PTA meeting one Tuesday night. I know it was Tuesday because both Red Skelton and Jackie Gleason were on TV that night. Now mind, you, I didn't feel a thing, but several people swear they felt an earthquake that night. The newspapers did report one the next morning. Gleason was one of my favorite comedians, particularly in the Smokey and the Bandit movies.


Speaking of which, this was THE car! I couldn't decide between this and Knight Rider! :D


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Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
Remember this??? I never could figure this out.
I still have a Rubik's Cube, though it's miniature sized on the end of a key chain. Not the key chain I currently use, but I still have it here somewhere.

I usually figured it out, but sometimes it was easier than others.