So every spring it was kite Flaying time!
Sometimes though either we didn't money to buy a kite or a telephone pole ate it. Guess what happened to the Sunday comics?

It ran in our evening paper here in Raleigh, but it was nationally syndicated and had started in 1921. Maybe you remember POGO?I remember Dick Tracy and Peanuts, but Moon Mullins doesn't look at all familiar.
This ought to date me then. Remember the... MIMEOGRAPH MACHINE??? When you needed a copy... three weeks later!
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And Duncan Yo-Yo's!I can't believe I forgot these!!! Anybody remember Spinning tops??? I never thought about it before, but I think they morphed overtime into things like Gyroscopes.
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Well, spinning tops have been around for quite awhile. (History timeAnd Duncan Yo-Yo's!
LOL...some sound like names out of the Kama Sutra.
- I remember that Duncan used to name it's yo-yos. The cooler sounding the name, the hotter the yo-yo.
- The Imperial
- The Sonic Satellite
- The Butterfly
- The BumbleBee
- The Dragonfly
- The Speed Beetle
- The ProYo
- The ProFire
- The ProFly
- The Mosquito
- The Flying Squirrel
- The Throwmonkey
- The Flying Panda
That would be the Sonic Butterfly. Or the Bumble Dragon.LOL...some sound like names out of the Kama Sutra.
I still have a Rubik's Cube, though it's miniature sized on the end of a key chain. Not the key chain I currently use, but I still have it here somewhere.Remember this??? I never could figure this out.