I am really, really sorry that I have not and will not be able to do much on here.
The stupid sickness came back for a second round along with the gum infection.
Took two rounds of Azithromycin so far, today is the last day of that.
Due to being unable to even sit up for more than a few minutes at a time I have lost muscle mass in my arms and legs.
That has caused the legs to be extremely weak and so yesterday I took a fall.
I was by my bed (which has rails) so when my legs just buckled I held on and tried to stop the fall.
Instead I twisted pulling a few muscles in my arms and chest but the fall was softened and no serious harm was done.
My system is a little shocked though.
I am still not able to sit for very long or I get so weak I nearly pass out.

And I was so hoping to get a new package ready because I'm trying to raise 400.00 dollars for an automatic adjustable bed frame.
Well maybe soon.
At any rate I will be back when able, I miss it!