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Wolff Playing with Beez!
Contributing Artist
The morph ended up having to redone. What I did to get it successfully into Poser was opened up DS, loaded up Dusk, applied TommyT morph and set it down to now subdivision and exported it in Poser format and applied it that way in Poser. That works perfectly. So I may have to do that with Bruno morphs and all other morphs I've made for Dusk for DS.

Also, I know there is a split morph option in Poser but I want to split the morph for the head and the body. How does one do that?


Contributing Artist
Usually the morphs should be split into body and head when you create them. If they are in a single piece, I would use the Morphing Tool to remove the head, save the morph target, then remove the body, save morph target, and then recreate the injection to apply only head, and only body. It's more work if it wasn't designed to be split, but that's how I would do it.


Wolff Playing with Beez!
Contributing Artist
By the way, while I got you here. I had a horrible time with the Skinny Jeans for Dusk in Poser. Is there something I'm not doing right with how they are conformed to my Tommy shape? I had to take them into ZBrush to smooth out a bunch of areas and then more work using the Morph tool to get them to my liking. The pose really isn't that odd or extreme in my opinion but boy the jeans about gave up without my urging to get them to cooperate.

TommyT Jeans Fix.jpg


Contributing Artist
I had a horrible time with the Skinny Jeans for Dusk in Poser.

For once, conforming and morphing tend to work better in DS than they do in Poser - that's a given. DS can produce cleaner morph projections over clothing, probably because it applies some kind of vertex smoothing and collision detection. Poser does none of these, so the initial result is typically BAD, and needs to be smoothed out for every joint direction and bulge axes. One way to ease the process could be to produce the morph projections in DS, export to morph target, and then use that in Poser instead of copying the morph from the figure.


Wolff Playing with Beez!
Contributing Artist
Ah, you mean load up the jeans in DS, conform them to the Tommy shape and then export that shape in Poser format as a way to help get them looking better?


Wolff Playing with Beez!
Contributing Artist
Yea, this was pretty bad. I'd understand it if I had him doing the splits with his legs twisted and all that but nope, what you see in the image ... before was not pretty in the least! Renderosity would have given me a fail and fix notification for that!


Contributing Artist
Well, I have tried reusing posing JCMs from DS in Poser, and at least on paper, that did sound like a good idea. However, join centers are different between the Poser and DS versions, so that didn't work so well. Due to differences in scale, the joint coordinates have completely different numbers, so we, at best, can approximate the joint positions, but they will never be exactly the same.


Wolff Playing with Beez!
Contributing Artist
So I tried your idea of using the Morph Tool set to Restore and that didn't work. Now I'm stuck trying to get Dusk sent to ZBrush and then use the Tommy morph as a template to break up the morphs into Head and Body. No go. I think I understand a bit about why folks complain about Poser and how it handles OBJ's. I totally viable OBJ of duskse saved to my GoZ > Hivewire folder to use as the shape to return Tommy's body (or head) too and I'm getting negative feedback from ZBrush telling me that it's not a viable source to work from. So when OBJ's are imported into Poser, Poser must do something to the vert order or something to make the master shape unusable in ZBrush. Very disconcerting! :mad:


Contributing Artist
My only question is WHY you couldn't use the Morphing Tool to remove parts of a morph? I have done that many times - one of them earlier today. What exactly didn't work?

The issue with Poser exports is simple: it doesn't support unimesh geometry, so nothing it exports will preserve the original mesh from the OBJ in the Geometries folder. This is not a bug, it's the way Poser was originally designed like 20 years ago, at a time where the very concept of unimesh geometry was yet to be invented like 10 years later.

This is why I find it important to do everything with the Morphing Tool without exporting anything.


One Busy Little Bee
Contributing Artist
If you have two dials in DS, why can't you dial up just the head, export, then dial up the body alone and export that. The use each one to build the individual morphs in Poser?


Contributing Artist
If you have two dials in DS, why can't you dial up just the head, export, then dial up the body alone and export that. The use each one to build the individual morphs in Poser?

I understand he doesn't have head and body as split morphs.


One Busy Little Bee
Contributing Artist
I understand he doesn't have head and body as split morphs.

But he does, he said it was two dials.

Now the steps to get the morph over to Poser was a royal pain in the tush to be sure. Since I save all my stuff in Cinema 4D size format which is really ZBrush's as well getting the morph over to Poser was NOT WORKING. Sending Dusk to ZBrush and loading in the morph told me the story I needed to finally make the right decision. So what I did was load up Dusk in DAZ Studio, applied the Head and Body morph (two dials, which I now need to figure out how to separate out again in Poser! So if anyone knows please help me with that). I exported the whole thing as a FBM in Poser format after making some adjustments in ZBrush and hid those ** "Fantasy Lashes" and then updated via GOZ to DAZ Studio.


Wolff Playing with Beez!
Contributing Artist
I do and I did so I just had to load up DS again and got them all exported. I actually exported ALL of my morphs for Dusk in Poser format so now I just need to bring them all into Poser and that's done. I was just investigating all the ways to get morphs into Poser but so far all that has worked FOR ME is the DS route! :sick:

I did try the Cycles node by the way, it's just too simplistic and I don't know what I'm doing with that. The PhysicalSurface node makes allot more sense to me as it reminds me of the DS set up so I'll stick with that for skin for the time being. I've seen some really nice renders using Cycles but when I set up EZSkin to do that for Dusk I must have not set up the definitions correctly as it's reading the newer OBJ which is labeled duskse rather than dusk so I tried to get that set up and I didn't succeed with the skin. The lashes turned white and no transparency and the same for the Cornea! Luckily I didn't save out the file so I could go back to the older one with the PhysicalSurface node I set up already! YAY LOL


One Busy Little Bee
Contributing Artist
You're welcome Rich, and no when I chose this name for one of my game characters I never knew about the X-Men's Sunfire, only Pontiac's. :D