This is the only portion that I feel needs a bit more clarification. While I will concede that the majority of users will use the genitals erotically, there are medical and educational uses as well that would be affected by this rule. That does bother me a tad.Genitals
We at HiveWire 3D want to keep our website and its content family-friendly and acceptable to a broad audience. To that end, HiveWire 3D will not allow products that are represented beyond what is considered tasteful nudity. This means that we will allow a character product that has nude texture maps of external genitals, but for example, they cannot be displayed or presented beyond what one might find in a college figure painting or drawing class. Any product submitted to HiveWire 3D must not include any details in the OBJ mesh that would not be considered tasteful, this includes image textures or material settings. We also will not accept genitals that are displayed or modeled to be anything beyond what would be considered normal, or relaxed or flaccid. Any extremes beyond this will not be allowed for sale, or free download on our website. You may provide this to any interested customers outside of the HiveWire 3D website on your own. HiveWire 3D will not provide a link of any kind to such extreme products of this nature.
Promotional Images
This is the only portion that I feel needs a bit more clarification. While I will concede that the majority of users will use the genitals erotically, there are medical and educational uses as well that would be affected by this rule. That does bother me a tad.
I would like to add that I have seen clothes for V4 and others (though not at Hivewire) that actually trouble me more than viewing a naked Dawn.
Exactly! The one nude render I ever did, which is up in my gallery at Renderosity, was to do just that. A friend had done a character skin, for V3 IIRC, which had beautiful scroll work all over the body, so putting her in a bikini bathing suit would've spoiled the effect of the scroll work, so I added the word "nudity" on the thumbnail I had uploaded with just her head and shoulders showing.It's kind of interesting in this field that most of the time the content that has the Adult Content warning, is just a naked body to show the full skin mats, usually without any excessive posing.
You know what the real problem is... don't you? Women just need to stop being so damn sexy, and yummy looking!
I think though, I need just a tad bit of clarification regarding posting renders. Nude renders are acceptable as long as these areas are not on display?
Images may not show bare female nipple, genitals, bare groin, bare natal cleft, or anus, of the humanoid figures.
By that I mean, we should pose the figure in such a way these areas are concealed by other parts of the body or behind integral parts of the scenery rather than adding concealing text boxes in post work?