Where does this leave DS users?
Will have to buy them I guess.
@Hornet3d .True words. Most of the people here have the Figures and Animals from here already purchased. I have still a few on my wish-list, like Luna Baby ,the Gorilla as example, and I will purchase them ASAP, does not matter if they are included in Poser or not. (Want the DS versions too, so anyway the only way). My hope is really that they get excellent support this way (included in Poser 11). I remark the lack of support when I made my promos for the village. Not much outfit exist for Dawn and Dusk which would fit the criteria .In near future I would really love to make my promos only with HW figures ,or at last 70% of it. I am not a character creator or outfits. I do a few outfits, but need way to long, so hope for other talented people who will help me out of my misery
Renderosity is okay for me. I am anyway no forum troll, buy what I like and whatever shop it is. I only have restriction on some Vendors where I buy 0 , no matter how beautiful their stuff is. But they are only a handful on my Black list![]()
Where does this leave DS users?
@Chris I really hope HW Figures and animals will get supported more from Poser vendors. They really deserve it.
Many will know that I am not the number one fan of Renderosity but this is certainly a good choice by them and a sign that Poser might well be in good hands. It may not bring me back to the Rendo forums, well not as a poster anyway, but I could well return as a customer.
Well, it brought SnarlyGribbly back, so I'm as happy as a pig in sl--![]()
I purchased the village for a number of reasons, firstly because I loved it, of course, but also because it was good value for money, was here at Hivewire and I like to support vendors who create for Poser. I have quite a selection of props that will work with the village and I am slowly building a scene which I hope to complete and render soon. I have only two Dawn outfits that will work for a scene of this type and that is because others do not exist. Even V4 struggles for outfits that would work in comparison to the normal output for V4.
Renderosity went on my blacklist a few years ago and I clearly remember why but this is not the place to relive negativity. Before that I spent a great deal there. With the purchase of Poser they sort of slipped into my grey list and I took a watching brief. If they continue to progress in line with the news here I could very well start spending there again, particularly if the Hivewire figures show signs of improved support. I sincerely hope this works well for both parties, others have had their chance and blown it so they can hardly complain now.
Sadly it will take a lot longer for me to be active on Rendo forums, although I have started lurking in their forums after years of not going there, I guess I have been spoilt here at Hivewire in the intervening years.