Did you see in the forum that I found the original python script and posted the code? One of the admins/developers fixed it and it's a simple fix! All you have to do is find the file dof_p5.py in your original Poser 11 or earlier installation. Open the file in a text editor and replace the code at the bottom with this:Lets hope this script will be updated. I used it in Poser 11 all the time. In my opinion DOF looks better when done in the 3D application and not in Postwork.
scene = poser.Scene()
actor = scene.CurrentActor()
cam = scene.CurrentCamera()
p1 = actor.WorldDisplacement()
p2 = cam.LocalDisplacement()
p3 = actor.Origin()
d = (-p3[0] + p2[0]-p1[0], -p3[1] + p2[1]-p1[1], -p3[2] + p2[2]-p1[2])
mag = math.sqrt (d[0]*d[0] + d[1]*d[1] + d[2]*d[2])
print( mag * 8.85 )
The only difference is the brackets on the last statement but that's what does the trick. Copy the modified script to your Poser 12 installation similar to where it was in Poser 11. Then load the script by pressing an empty python script button in Poser 12 and ta da! It works!