@McGyver ..thanks...my 'laugh mechanism' is broken...as I am sooooo tired. Last night I was in fear of dying of smoke/fire as the "sealed room" full of fans, dehumidifyers, air scrubber, etc. was HOT and the plastic was hot...kept having to re-tape parts down... but called my demo guy this am, he said all that is normal... they want it to get HOT... but I have to run my AC in winter to try and cool the house, and I run the filtration system 24/7 to give myself clean cooler air... it's just exhausting!
He's due back at 9:30 with the insurance adjuster on Wed. am and IF I'm lucky the surfaces will be dry... poor little Nickie is locked in the half bath nearly all the time, as I'm afraid to leave him un-attended.... afraid the plastic sheeting will get loose and he'll go IN that area!
I'll get through it all...by SHEER WILLPOWER, but it's wrecking havoc with my FM... I hurt, can't rest, can't relax.... but doing my best.
Thanks for all your comments.... so true Gadget Girl.... when one has breathing problems, the world is so harsh...
He's due back at 9:30 with the insurance adjuster on Wed. am and IF I'm lucky the surfaces will be dry... poor little Nickie is locked in the half bath nearly all the time, as I'm afraid to leave him un-attended.... afraid the plastic sheeting will get loose and he'll go IN that area!
Thanks for all your comments.... so true Gadget Girl.... when one has breathing problems, the world is so harsh...