Folks, we're so grateful for all the hard work that is being done on your awesome entries that have been coming in from day one! Some gorgeous renderings being submitted for sure.
Due to some folks being informed that submissions will be accepted til midnight on the 22nd, we're extending our submission deadline until then. This now correlates with with Ken's newsletter so we're all on the same page.
We're posting this extra 2 days in our newsletter today also. Which is really less then 2 days now.
For those of you that busted your humps to get your submissions in by the 20th, we hope this extension doesn't upset you. We do need to be fair with others that have been informed the deadline is the 22nd and stick with that. Thanks for your understanding. And to those that may need the extra time for your renders... you're welcome,
. We look forward to any more entries that may still be coming in until tomorrow night.
Whether it's GMT or Mountain time. We'll accept which ever works in your favor.
Thanks for your enthusiasm and support of this beautiful contest!
Yeah, baby!!!
Due to some folks being informed that submissions will be accepted til midnight on the 22nd, we're extending our submission deadline until then. This now correlates with with Ken's newsletter so we're all on the same page.
We're posting this extra 2 days in our newsletter today also. Which is really less then 2 days now.
For those of you that busted your humps to get your submissions in by the 20th, we hope this extension doesn't upset you. We do need to be fair with others that have been informed the deadline is the 22nd and stick with that. Thanks for your understanding. And to those that may need the extra time for your renders... you're welcome,
Whether it's GMT or Mountain time. We'll accept which ever works in your favor.
Thanks for your enthusiasm and support of this beautiful contest!
Yeah, baby!!!