More Dawn 2 Bendiness (that's an actual word I made up
Another extreme pose from the V4 gymnastic collection. I left Dawn 2 have limits, which keeps an applied pose from doing weird things. In this case, again, it was very minor corrections to the legs (to make the pose work within Dawn 2's well thought out limits, which keeps the rig to nice bends.).
What was true in V4 days was that to get more extreme poses, you had to bend her beyond limits, as her mesh wasn't quite as optimized. I've found just the opposite with Dawn 2. Keeping the limits on enhances the ability to get into even extreme but realistic poses.
For instance, this one. She's not even bent to her limits.
I was particularly taken by her how her butt is working with this hip position. No nasty distortion at all. A realistic glute movement. And that transfered completely to the shorts. Friggin' awesome!
10 minute top and shorts. Blender (rough), Quadremesher, Blender (sculpt and finish), Poser one-click rig (from plain Dawn 2 as donor). Copy the character morph.
Both highlight joints that are generally a PITA for form fitting clothing: hip-thigh and arm-torso.
Again, I'm happily surprised at how well they're bending. The shorts are only really touched up at the leg openings. Most of the touchup was liberally smoothing, then shifting the smoothed edges to account for cloth sliding that would happen. For the tops, even less. Not more than a few minutes with Poser's morph brush, in total.
One thing I've found that helps is to transfer Dawn's edge loops for the Actors. I can transfer those into Blender, turn them to edges for mat zones, which can be used to guide the quad-remeshing. The resulting clothing mesh has the shape of the body and the flow follows the joints, the mesh, itself, only changes density depending on curvature. The mesh itself doesn't look at all like the body. But, by having the actor edge-loops approximately perpendicular to the body's actor edge-loops, a transfer in the auto rigging produces good bendiness (see? That word is useful. As in "Gumby had great bendiness. Dammit.")
Single HDRI setup with ken's script. shadow catching. Nothing else in scene besides Dawn 2, hair, and clothing.
I can see that I need to work on some muscle/tone morphs. Project for this weekend