Sorry, but yes, this is a significant difference for some of us. Because I don't buy from DAZ any more. Not because I'm boycotting them or anything. I just don't, for the same reason most Poser users don't. They don't sell anything new I can use. I go there to look, not buy, and I only go there at all for reference. If I didn't make my own stuff, I'd ignore them entirely. Add in the fact that DAZ's sales always require me getting things I don't want and can't use just to get any discount at all, and I'm personally unlikely to buy anything there for fun.
So yeah, this is essentially to telling me that your animals are more expensive (no reward points) and much less convenient for me to buy. And I wouldn't be surprised if your other Poser customers weren't in a similar boat. This is kind of equivalent to a food site telling its vegan customers that their popular fries and onion rings will be sold exclusively at The Outback steakhouse.

Sure, some customers will avoid it on principle, but most just won't bother to adjust the entry in their SEP filter that puts irrelevant stuff on the mental ignore list.
But I totally understand why you guys made this choice. DAZ has the widest reach and the highest profile of all the brokerages. You've had those products here for some time, and this will definitely gain new customers for those animals. I just hope we can still buy great original HiveWire3D content here in the future.
You can't say it's an advantage to move a product from _exclusively_ here to _exclusively_ at DAZ and simultaneously say that it's growth for this site. It's not. It's growth for the DAZ site, and a subtraction for this site. This site no longer has the substantial draw of those exclusive animals, and they've been moved to a site where people won't even be shown the full name of this brokerage so as to prevent those products from generating any traffic to this site.
I deeply respect all of the creators behind the HiveWire3D animals. I'm very happy that they have the opportunity to bring their work to even more people. I think that's absolutely great. I have only the barest clue how much time and effort went into the animals, and I'm still blown away by how much everyone involved did. I'm thankful for every dollar they can get in compensation. I'm sure this will make the animals even more lucrative than before, which is wonderful.
But regular HiveWire3D CAs have a smaller market now, as the site's traffic for those very popular products is now redirected to DAZ _and_ presented in a way to hide its connection to this site.
As for voicing the negative with solutions, well, the only solution I could suggest is to not make the animals exclusive to DAZ. Or sell the Poser versions here, if nothing else. Which I'm all but positive is impossible given what little I know about DAZ's policies. So I'm just wanting to be heard, not looking for solutions.
I guess my main concern is that this seems like it could be a step away from Poser support. You're definitely going to get fewer Poser customers by putting some of your most popular content on a site that is, and has been for some time, deliberately distancing itself from Poser and its users. So it seems like this could be the beginning of a downward spiral in terms of Poser support (less customers = less support = less customers, etc.). I would totally understand if you eventually decide to take the business in a DS only direction (as Glitterati3D said, supporting two totally different pieces of software is a ton of work), but I'd be awfully sad about it.