is there a way of getting email notifications when a new reply is posted in a thread you're commenting in?
In addition to the other input you got:
Here ya go:
How to choose the way you get notifications
is there a way of getting email notifications when a new reply is posted in a thread you're commenting in?
Yes, click on your user name at the top right of the forum and it will drop down a list. Choose Alert Preferences, and have fun.![]()
. And I guess I'll be getting my Horse directly from HW someday (with Iray mats, yes? still?)
Which makes me wonder where exactly that free DIM-packager is
I've got them all checked, and I get an alert when i'm on the site, but I don't get an email notification with a link to the forum. I have to come to the site, click on 'forum' and then find the thread.
Yes, I updated my post, but Alisa posted a link that'll give you all the info you need.I've got them all checked, and I get an alert when i'm on the site, but I don't get an email notification with a link to the forum. I have to come to the site, click on 'forum' and then find the thread.
No Earl, that's a grammar question, not a typo. Typos are misspellings or transpositions of letters. I'm famous for transpositions because I type at over 100 wpm, and often used to transpose certain sets of letters all the time. I'm better now that I'm retired, but back in the day, when I had to get a 100 page brief out the same day, I didn't do the proofreading. I just typed and had the professional proofreaders in our Word Processing department check for the typos.You mean, like using "there isn't any typos" , instead of "there aren't any typos"?![]()
I type at over 100 wpm
Holy smoking rockets, Batgirl (or is that holy smoking hands?)![]()
Sorry, late on the uptake on this. I read your post earlier, but I didn't connect to "The Mooch" comment until I heard it again on the radio today. Someone was referred to getting unfairly attacked, and screwed, and he said he got "Scaramouched"
It was funny. Then I made the connection again to your comment Satira.
I remember it too. That picture resulted in a good laugh back in the daySurprised you both remember that Zoot suit. Shows you've been around a while.
Actually, if your on Facebook, DesertSilver, Alex is working on a feathered dino right now. I'm sure he has a back log of critters but maybe he and Ken complained to DAZ that their stuff was being pushed to the side so he got into a snit and worked on the dino. I don't have anything against Alex, he's a nice man but business is business and if he was feeling threatened and his relationship with DAZ is pretty long standing they perhaps bent for him and kicked the Hive in the teeth instead. Nasty business sometimes
There are some odd things buried in the LAMH thread from his partner claiming he is the best animal modeler and such- (when someone had brought up the Hive animals) that make me think you are right on target.
I also can't help wondering if they were seeing the Lamh presets done by one of their best PA s and got worried . What if she made some skins for Dawn?? Oh Nooos!!
Nice outfitWelcome Dreamfarmer! I love Dawn, but for some reason, find myself creating clothing for Dusk more frequently. He wears them all so "elegantly."
Hi Alessandro...
you just gotta do a wombat model and an emu
no one else wants to![]()
Most I ever did was 35-50 or 60 wpm in my heyday, but usually on the lower end of that spectrum.I'm slower than I was when I was still working, and I'm not the only one here that types that fast. Oh, and that's with chronic CTS, so you can imagine how fast I'd be able to type if I didn't suffer from that.
When I interviewed for the job I was given a page to type, and was told I would be timed for 5 minutes. At the end of the 5 minutes I was 2/3 of the way through it a second time. The secretarial manager couldn't believe it. Oh, and I only had 2 small transpositions, so she told me they were more interested in accuracy than speed, but it's hard to slow down when you're used to typing fast, especially if you have a typewriter (and eventually a computer keyboard) you've broken in nicely for your personal touch.
There was a gal that worked at the firm for a few years that put us all to shame. She was originally a court reporter, and when she typed, it sounded like a drill, because the sound of the keys was so fast and consistent, it sounded like a loooooong steady noise.