Thanks for the render of the HD morphs @Willowisp, as I haven't purchased them yet. I want to play with those included with her first.
Surprised no ones mentioned this LaFemme Webinar by Charles Taylor (Nerd 3D) and Denise Tyler (Deecey) yet but, hey! Who needs knowledge when you've got an opinion, right?
Not to mention unleashing the power of the 'escape' button!
Surprised no ones mentioned this LaFemme Webinar by Charles Taylor (Nerd 3D) and Denise Tyler (Deecey) yet but, hey! Who needs knowledge when you've got an opinion, right?
Nope, not a vacation, no computerI was wondering where you were. Hope you had a good vacation.
OUCH! That's definitely no fun.Nope, not a vacation, no computer
Surprised no ones mentioned this LaFemme Webinar by Charles Taylor (Nerd 3D) and Denise Tyler (Deecey) yet but, hey! Who needs knowledge when you've got an opinion, right?
Well, I just got some good news . . . my first La Femme render (back on page 10 of this thread) was chosen for Renderosity's Poser Staff Picks of the Week!![]()
I really don't see the need for all this angst. The La Femme figure IS free ( for now) as advertised..and good for that. The fact that the Renderosity shop has a minimum purchase limit of $3.50 is a totally different matter.
The angst is not aimed at La Femme but more aimed at a practice that many see as unfair. The point is that you cannot get La Femme for free you have to pay at least $3.50 which is still a stunning price for such a great figure with lots of potential and an added product of your choice. It is a bit like going into a coffee shop for and advertised free cup of coffee and then being told there is a charge of $3.50 for the biscuit that comes with it that you must buy. It is still a stunning offer but like so much is life it is how you do something is often as important as what you do.
I am truly astounded by the rabble happening over a measly 3.50. As usual, the Poser community is it's own worst enemy
The figure is great, if you are too cheap to pay 3.50, then it is your loss.
Well, I paid more than $3.50, but I got something totally unrelated to LF I've had in my wishlist for a while. I just bought the item a little sooner than I was originally planning.
I don't think it was the amount of the necessary purchase that was the issue, but the necessity of having to pay the amount (any amount) without upfront notice of such a necessity, that's the issue.
Yeah tried to download it but there is apparently a $3.50 minimum order size to get it....gotta have something you pay for in the order even if it is free. Kinda sucks but that is what it much for being free to play with.
Oh yes, I've been "struttin' my stuff" since I saw it, as it always feels good.Congratulations, always good when your art is recognised as being worth added exposure.
Well, I just got some good news . . . my first La Femme render (back on page 10 of this thread) was chosen for Renderosity's Poser Staff Picks of the Week!![]()