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Nature's Wonders Sneak Peek Thread

Ken Gilliland

Dances with Bees
HW3D Exclusive Artist
Murder hornets... looks like some made their way to the Pacific Northwest... Scary... I thought my Black-bellied Hornet in Bees v1 was bad.

The black-bellied hornet, Vespa basalis, is one of the most dangerous species of wasp in Taiwan. The hornet venom possesses a potent edema-inducing activity in addition to its lethal cardiovascular effect.


I wish these countries would stop exporting their deadly insects to the U.S.! Don't we have enough? Two summers ago, I had to call Terminix to get rid of a huge nest of Bald-Faced Hornets. That next formed in a matter of a couple of days. It wasn't there, then suddenly there was this big thing on the side of the basement walkout! it was at least a foot in diameter! Nasty creatures. Very aggressive. Even the guy that came was a bit afraid of them. He'd shoot the dust into the nest, then run around the corner of the house for a minute. It speaks volumes when a professional exterminator runs! o_O I watched from inside the house...with all doors and windows shut.


Ken Gilliland

Dances with Bees
HW3D Exclusive Artist
Bald-faced hornets? Aren't those the black and white ones? I almost included those in my set but decided volume 1 should be "yellowy" ones

Ken Gilliland

Dances with Bees
HW3D Exclusive Artist
There's will be a couple adjustments to the Nature's Wonders series, mostly on the Poser side. Based on positive comments about my SBRM library changes (especially on the Poser side), the Nature's Wonders series will start to look similiar. That means "one click" characters rather than loading the model then applying the character and everything (figures, poses, props, materials) will reside in the Animals/Nature's Wonders folders (in DS and Poser's Figure library) . I started doing this with my Fish set and the Bee sets are in that format as well.

Hummingbird Garden (now under the Nature's Wonders banner) has been updated and will fall into the Environments/Nature's Wonders folders (in DS and Poser's Figure library). The update will be available sometime after the bee sets are released.

I am working on one more bee set... this one is called "Bee Swarms and Nests" and features prop-based swarms of honeybees, wasps and hornets similiar to Flock Formations and Ant Lines. There is also a paper wasp, hornet and mud dauber nest included. Some of the swarms are used in conjunction with the nests and honey bee hive frames while other are circular and/or directional swarms, Directional? Who doesn't want to create an image with Dawn or Dusk running away from a ton of wasps who want to get acquainted with them.
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Satira Capriccio

Contributing Artist
I planned for that!

In addition to my nice little under bed space, a door leads to a hidden hallway, on one side of the hallway is a tiny little cubby just big enough for a toilet, sink, and shower. Across from the bathroom cubby is another cubby. This one with a refrigerator, sink, 2 burner induction cooktop, and a combination microwave convection over. Off that cubby is a pantry with everything I could ever want to eat, including fresh fruits and veggies. Both the refrigerator and pantry are ... *whispers* ... auto filling. So for every box, carton, container, or fruit or vegetable removed, another appears! and don't worry! Bookshelves full of my favorite books line the hallway, and at the end of the hallway is a deep window seat with cushions and a window overlooking a garden full of native trees, plants, and flowers ... perfect for every single one of Ken's creations. Including his bees. They get to live happily out there, I get to live happily in my safe little haven. No dead bees from stinging me, No painful stings on me!

Pretty cool, huh?

Amazing what wonders you can find in nature :wink:

Ken Gilliland

Dances with Bees
HW3D Exclusive Artist
A couple images from the "Swarm" add-on I working on...

a grouped bees prop for easy placement on a Hive "frame"

and my grouped wasp props show something you don't want to see when turning your head around


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