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Ken Gilliland's Products In Renders

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
Here is an updated 3delight render using basic distant light and UE2 outdoor preset. After looking at a lot of images of Kiwis I went back to the start and made a new hair and got to this. Now to see what it looks like in Iray. 800 mb per hair when exported as obj. Lucky I just threw in another 8 GB of RAM. :)
That's looking pretty kewl Szark. Can't wait to see your Iray render. ;)


Busy Bee
This moth looks like it was painted by an artist, but it really exists! It is the delightful & colorful Crimson Speckled Flunkey.


Nature's Wonder Moths of the World Vol. 2 (Crimson Speckled Flunkey) by Ken Gilliland at HiveWire3D

African Lily by Lisa's Botanicals at HiveWire 3D

What a beautiful and magical render!
The Moons Soft Glow
View attachment 3039


Busy Bee
Great job on that, Flint. I really like both images a lot. And yeah, a lot of moths are just beautiful. People mostly think of the dull white moths we usually see, but there are so many really pretty ones out there! :D

We have a gorgeous moth here in the desert, the Sphinx moth. They are so big ( 6 inch wingspan!) and loud that people always think it's a hummingbird- until they remember hummers don't fly at night.


Busy Bee
I've seen many of your helpful posts on the Daz forums- but wow- great gallery. I could never pick a favorite...but... Salt Flats is stunning.

Then again, Tanch0 has elegance and gorgeous posing = absolutely lovely!

Ken Gilliland

Dances with Bees
HW3D Exclusive Artist
We have a gorgeous moth here in the desert, the Sphinx moth. They are so big ( 6 inch wingspan!) and loud that people always think it's a hummingbird- until they remember hummers don't fly at night.

We have two different Sphinx moths that are in our yard. I put both types in my moths sets-- the White-lined Sphinx moth in the base set and the One-eyed Sphinx moth in Volume 1.


Contributing Artist
very nice work on the hair Szark...can I ask what Fiberhair quantity you export at? And how do you make the hair look thicker...?


I've seen many of your helpful posts on the Daz forums- but wow- great gallery. I could never pick a favorite...but... Salt Flats is stunning.

Then again, Tanch0 has elegance and gorgeous posing = absolutely lovely!
Thank you...yeah that is one of my favs too.

I exported at a level of 4. I used a number of maps to drive different clump settings. If you want I can upload the file here so folks can see what I did. I used the Curl and Attract at low settings and did a bit of manually combing. You can thicken the hair in Garibaldi but you have to be careful to not make it too think if you want to export as OBJ to use in Iray etc.


Contributing Artist
Thank you...yeah that is one of my favs too.

I exported at a level of 4. I used a number of maps to drive different clump settings. If you want I can upload the file here so folks can see what I did. I used the Curl and Attract at low settings and did a bit of manually combing. You can thicken the hair in Garibaldi but you have to be careful to not make it too think if you want to export as OBJ to use in Iray etc.

Ah...you're using Garibaldi I was thinking it was LAMH but thanks for the info. I'm trying to learn how to use LAMH at the moment but I keep crashing it. What I had managed to import wasn't how I wanted it to be but I watched some tutorials on youtube last night and I think I'm getting a better handle on it.


I will get LAMH one day but I got Garibaldi when it first came out and got it cheap. The issue for me is that Garibaldi only exports hair as flat pointy meshes where as LAMH exports fibre hair so the hair should be made up of thin cones


Contributing Artist
I didn't know that...I mainly went with LAMH because when I tried Garibaldi in beta it stuffed up my version of DS and took forever to fix so I was very hesitant to try it again.


Dances with Bees
Contributing Artist
Yes, Ken's birds are amazing. :)
of course...here is one i did with the crow rendered with iray

Getting news Rr.jpg