The drive will not recognize. Plugging it in prompts that a USB device is connected, and depending on which computer (Laptop or Z600) if I go to Manage and Devices it will show a USB device, but no drive, not even a blank or corrupted rive that needs formatting. So the circuit board and USB connectors are fine.
I can hear the drive spinning up... then the dreaded click of doom. This means, best case, the drive heads are stuck, worst case, the drive heads and or platters are damaged. There is no way to know without opening it up.
Opening up a hard drive is generally not something to be done lightly, and not outside a clean room or enclosure. The fact I have so much nerve damage and my hands are shakey and numb does not encourage me either. I did reach out to the only two local data recovery centers I found and neither one of them would touch it because they do not have the facilities to open drives - they only do software recovery (if it were purely a software recovery issue I could do it myself, have plenty of experience at that).
So the drive is essentially a lost cause as things stand. I can not afford to send away to pro data recovery centers, and even though there is some data I really hate to lose (about 5-600gb of 3.5tb), most of what is on the drive is reference images and videos, music, movies, tv shows, cartoons, and mp3's. Not worth the cost of data recovery...but I hat to lose so much. I also don't like the idea of others rummaging through my data. I worked in computer repair, I know how they think.
So, with the drive being essentially dead...might as well learn some new skills.
So tomorrow I will try to build a portable cleanbox out of a see through plastic storage box, duct tape (there is always duct tape involved in DIY), rubber gloves, and a Hippa Filter. This video what inspired me (fundamentally similar to a vacuum chamber for resin in many ways):
Then, after that's done, I will open up the drive and see how bad it is. Hopefully it is stuck heads only, and if I can free them up, I will at least be able to pull some of the data off the drive. After all, it's not like I can kill it more right?
It will look something like this:
Though I will not be messing with taking out the platters or any other components. Just seeing if the stuck drive head can be reset. If the drive heads or the spring arm are damage, it's all over.