One thing people should remember is that the IRS doesn't need for you to send them money. If you have a bank account, and your bank will happily give it to them. They can just seize it all. They can and will also garnish your wages from your employer. They can also seize your house, car and real estate. Once they have all that, you'll usually go find them, so a warrant isn't really necessary either.The couple of clips I saw the the scammer was saying that the person owed money as they had made an erroneous claim on their returns and they were about to send an officer out with a warrant for their arrest. The only way to prevent that happening was to pay up immediately. Even from the UK it seemed bogus but then if they got the right target I can see some being very scared about being arrested, they don't need anything close to a 100% success rate to make money
Telling people that is just scare tactics to intimidate people into acting rashly and quickly without really thinking it through. What the real IRS can and will do is a LOT more intimidating.
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