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I Just Wanted to Post an Image Thread


Dances with Bees
Wow, being called a chauvinist for offering a seat? There was some wiring gone wrong in that head.

I am like you. I was taught to cherish and respect women and that's how I always have and always will behave. I will open doors, allow them to enter a building or room ahead of me, and I have managed 51 years on this earth without ever putting my hands on a woman. My wife was put on a pedestal when we got married 22 years ago and she is still up there. She doesn't know that she is either. I've never let on that she was.

There is a joke out there that the reason a man is polite and opens doors for women is so that he can look at her butt...

Satira Capriccio

Contributing Artist
I appreciate someone holding a door for me, just as I hope they appreciate when I hold a door for them. To me, it isn't a male/female thing. It's just courtesy to make that little bit of effort to help the person behind you ... whether that person is female or male, younger or older, empty handed or arms full of packages or bags or child.

But, I'm not comfortable when a man in front of me in an elevator insists I exit first. That's just not common sense! If you're in front of me, step out so I can get out without having to squeeze past you. I promise I won't think you rude if you exit first. Unless you're behind me and shove me aside to get out. But then ... maybe you're claustrophobic, in which case, I totally understand you need to get out of that tiny suffocating box as fast as possible. There are plenty of times I've felt that way when people kept squeezing into the elevator and I end up pushed into the back corner with people smashed against me. Especially since I'm barely 5'2 and most everyone towers over me. Hello ... elevators get stuck, and we're all going to panic if that happens!

She may have experienced men offering her their seat only to leer at her the whole trip. Or, "accidentally" kept "falling" into her from the movement of the train or bus. She may have just walked past a group of men who ogled her, whistled, or made comments most men would consider offensive and objectionable if made about their wives, mothers, sisters, or daughters. She may have had a boss, professor, or some other man in a position of power expecting or demanding certain "favors" from her. She may still be dealing with learning her boyfriend or husband cheated on her ... or her father cheated on her mother. Maybe her father abandoned her mother and his children. Or she was molested by him or an uncle, brother, or some other man who should have protected her rather than harmed her. She may have just lost a promotion to a man, even though she had been there longer, was more qualified, worked harder, performed better ... but, was a woman. There are a thousand ways in which she may have been treated as less than others or harmed simply because she was a woman.

Or ... she could just have been a jerk.


I appreciate someone holding a door for me, just as I hope they appreciate when I hold a door for them. To me, it isn't a male/female thing. It's just courtesy to make that little bit of effort to help the person behind you ... whether that person is female or male, younger or older, empty handed or arms full of packages or bags or child.

But, I'm not comfortable when a man in front of me in an elevator insists I exit first. That's just not common sense! If you're in front of me, step out so I can get out without having to squeeze past you. I promise I won't think you rude if you exit first. Unless you're behind me and shove me aside to get out. But then ... maybe you're claustrophobic, in which case, I totally understand you need to get out of that tiny suffocating box as fast as possible. There are plenty of times I've felt that way when people kept squeezing into the elevator and I end up pushed into the back corner with people smashed against me. Especially since I'm barely 5'2 and most everyone towers over me. Hello ... elevators get stuck, and we're all going to panic if that happens!

She may have experienced men offering her their seat only to leer at her the whole trip. Or, "accidentally" kept "falling" into her from the movement of the train or bus. She may have just walked past a group of men who ogled her, whistled, or made comments most men would consider offensive and objectionable if made about their wives, mothers, sisters, or daughters. She may have had a boss, professor, or some other man in a position of power expecting or demanding certain "favors" from her. She may still be dealing with learning her boyfriend or husband cheated on her ... or her father cheated on her mother. Maybe her father abandoned her mother and his children. Or she was molested by him or an uncle, brother, or some other man who should have protected her rather than harmed her. She may have just lost a promotion to a man, even though she had been there longer, was more qualified, worked harder, performed better ... but, was a woman. There are a thousand ways in which she may have been treated as less than others or harmed simply because she was a woman.

Or ... she could just have been a jerk.

You are right of course, there could have been any number of reasons why she responded in the way she did, I guess I was shocked at the manner and the words used to decline my offer. Clearly it has stuck with me as I still remember it vividly all these years later. Happily other than the memory sticking with me it had no change on my attitude to women. You are also correct that it is more a common courtesy than a male/female thing. I do hold doors open for men, particularly if they are carrying something. If I am honest though there is a subtle difference in that, if there is a person behind me as I walk through a door I will always hold it open but it it is a women behind me more often or not I will hold it open but step aside to let her pass through first. Of course I could be accused of only doing it to look at her butt, as suggested, all I can I personally now it is my upbringing and nothing else, what others think is up to them I can't say I care much.

I don't think it is just up bringing though as I seem to be quite rare (or weird) in that I am happy to admit my wife is a better driver than me, particularly in not letting her emotions affect her driving. She has her own hobbies and pastimes, such as amature dramatics and choir and her own circle of friends. All this means that we enjoy spending time together and always have plenty to talk about. I have never understood situations where the wife has to ask her husband if she can go out, if she can take the car and so on. Sadly sitting in a coffee shop or restaurant it is easy to see couples sat at the same table but never exchanging glances or developing a conversation.

Anyway I digress, all this from a simple one liner I put into a very short story.


Actually the latest version of EZDome has a Tab at the top to set up the Catcher. Snarly added the ability to add shadows when rendering in SuperFly. The latest version is 1.5, so if you're still using version 1.2, go grab the newest version.

Do you have a link to the new version? I can only find version 1.2.

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
You're welcome Hornet, though I've changed that link to the post on the SM Forum, rather than a direct link to the download.


Dances with Bees
Modeled & rendered in Carrara :)


Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
For me too Rob. I remember the show as well, though I don't recall when it was on.


Dances with Bees
Before I was born. It's the Flintstones! It was in syndication before I was old enough to watch it. In my teens I hated it because it was on opposite Spiderman and His Amazing Friends, but my little sister ruled the TV and got to watch that instead.


Dances with Bees


Dances with Bees
I am going to model a full uniform one of these days, and try to get all 32 team colors and everything included. Which figure should I model it for? I won't do any Genesis figures, but Anything from Poser 8 to 11 is game, plus M4.


I think this is doable. I think the trick is to extrude the neon tubing at a smaller diameter to be able to define the shape of the outline of the letters. Here is the shape of the letters as I have drawn them:
SF and ellipse drawing.jpg


Contributing Artist
looks great Seachnasaigh!

Maybe you could do the letters a white non-glowing colour (like painted or a sticker) over a glowing oval (like the oval has light in it)

Or maybe just with the outside like you have it and a plastic bit in the middle kind like this lamp...


Dances with Bees
looks great Seachnasaigh!

Maybe you could do the letters a white non-glowing colour (like painted or a sticker) over a glowing oval (like the oval has light in it)

Or maybe just with the outside like you have it and a plastic bit in the middle kind like this lamp...
Oh, I want that lamp!