The two missiles had traveled almost a third of their initial closing distance before Caoimhe threw the air runner into a banked turn that was close to the design limits of the craft, if not past them. The runner was only equipped with minimal armaments and had no force field so her options were severely limited. The only factor in her favour was that the navigation system gave multi channel data streams direct to her military grade neural implant and in the same instance the warning blips sounded on the cockpit she knew the missile type, speed and capabilities. Without some avoiding action impact would be in 13.4 millicutes and she knew that 0.4 might be critical. She could make the boundaries of the city in 10.16 milicutes so knew she could most likely save lives on the ground. Saving their own lives was a matter of finding the other 3.24 millicutes at which point these particular missiles should have burnt their fuel and self destruct, she hoped the data streams were accurate.
As she threw the craft into the next evasive manoeuvre she shouted for Turlough to eject but he was always brought up to let ladies go first so when she remained in on board, so did he. Not only that, but he decided there were things he wanted to tell her before he left and he doubted he had time to say it all before the missiles hit, and anyway she was rather busy at the moment. Being the passenger he did the only thing he felt he could do to help, he began to pray.
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City - Dystopia City Blocks 001-010 and 011 - 020 by Billy Home / Moebius87 / Ajax
Craft - Air Car Jumper by Petipet
Lighting - Dome only - Ezdome with sIBL