I've been a silent stalker of all these incredible new animal models being worked on for a while, but I finally had to make an account (or rather re-make an account- I had an old one that I guess I must've deleted at some point) to just say how amazing your work is, Chris. The loving attention to detail and the research you do really show, and your patience and generosity with requests for morphs or feedback and input on aspects of the anatomy are truly astounding. As a buyer, it's an incredible (and very rare) thing to be able to ask for something or critique something and have the creators actually listen! I own both Daz horses and Harry, and I can't tell you how much of a drastic improvement Harry is. You put so much time and effort into making sure the model you make is the best it can possibly be, and the finished result is always nothing short of a genuine work of art. Nobody I've found has taken animal modeling as seriously as you have, and I wanted to let you know just how appreciated your efforts are, even by those of us who are a little shy about saying it.
(As a side note, while I realize this breed is a little more obscure and is probably pretty far from a priority, I'd love to see a Borzoi morph for this handsome dog sometime, if possible!
borzoi - Google Search They were very popular in the 1920s and 30s, made especially famous by the art deco movement, where they were often depicted in fashion pieces and decorative bronze and porcelain figurines for their elegant build and sleek shapes, in much the same way panthers and cheetahs were at the time. I'm sure a flapper Dawn would look very stately with one.

I can't wait to see even more of your progress on the big and house cats and our canine friend here!