• Welcome to the Community Forums at HiveWire 3D! Please note that the user name you choose for our forum will be displayed to the public. Our store was closed as January 4, 2021. You can find HiveWire 3D and Lisa's Botanicals products, as well as many of our Contributing Artists, at Renderosity. This thread lists where many are now selling their products. Renderosity is generously putting products which were purchased at HiveWire 3D and are now sold at their store into customer accounts by gifting them. This is not an overnight process so please be patient, if you have already emailed them about this. If you have NOT emailed them, please see the 2nd post in this thread for instructions on what you need to do

RELEASED HiveWire Dog Is Underway


Wolff Playing with Beez!
Contributing Artist
Hi Chris,

Can you ask Alex to make fur from LAMH for the Gorilla? That would totally cool!


The Wicked Witch of the North
Can I please put in a request for a Bichon Friese. My favourite little dog in all the world (her name is Joycie) and I would so love her in my runtime :)


Wolff Playing with Beez!
Contributing Artist
Can I please put in a request for a Bichon Friese. My favourite little dog in all the world (her name is Joycie) and I would so love her in my runtime :)
I think that would be hard to do for Chris. He would need a base body shape and they are so furry (curly fur) it's hard to see what one looks like! Never mind... I Googled it.... Here are some images...

Bichon Friese Shaved Down


One Busy Little Bee
Contributing Artist
I would like to see a newfoundland. Granted they're shaggy dogs, but if there were a shaved texture one could always add fur in the hair room.


HW Honey Bear
Alessandro has told me that he'd create fur for Studio with LAMH with our Leopard once it's rigged and ready to hand off.

Well a Leopard isn't going to need hair as much is say, a lion would for his mane… But certainly long-haired dogs will!

Is there any chance at all that Alessandro will make a standalone LAMH or module for poser (2014)? I really stressed my hand badly when brushing out my gorilla in Photoshop, so I'm not gonna be able to use him often cause I just can't bare to have him in an art piece without looking properly "hairy". :cry:

I wish my brain would work with DS, but it's simply doesn't. And us poser users really need help with hair… It takes such a long time to perfect good-looking hair in poser's built-in hair room for any particular animal as Tiny, herself knows!


Wolff Playing with Beez!
Contributing Artist
They do have the code for LAMH for Poser but shelved it. You may want to get in touch with the team over there and inquire about it. Ken, part of the team, mentioned that they feared they wouldn't make enough on it. My thinking is "you have it mostly made so why not release it anyway?" Made no sense to me then, makes no sense to me now! lol


I've been a silent stalker of all these incredible new animal models being worked on for a while, but I finally had to make an account (or rather re-make an account- I had an old one that I guess I must've deleted at some point) to just say how amazing your work is, Chris. The loving attention to detail and the research you do really show, and your patience and generosity with requests for morphs or feedback and input on aspects of the anatomy are truly astounding. As a buyer, it's an incredible (and very rare) thing to be able to ask for something or critique something and have the creators actually listen! I own both Daz horses and Harry, and I can't tell you how much of a drastic improvement Harry is. You put so much time and effort into making sure the model you make is the best it can possibly be, and the finished result is always nothing short of a genuine work of art. Nobody I've found has taken animal modeling as seriously as you have, and I wanted to let you know just how appreciated your efforts are, even by those of us who are a little shy about saying it. ;)

(As a side note, while I realize this breed is a little more obscure and is probably pretty far from a priority, I'd love to see a Borzoi morph for this handsome dog sometime, if possible! borzoi - Google Search They were very popular in the 1920s and 30s, made especially famous by the art deco movement, where they were often depicted in fashion pieces and decorative bronze and porcelain figurines for their elegant build and sleek shapes, in much the same way panthers and cheetahs were at the time. I'm sure a flapper Dawn would look very stately with one. ;))

I can't wait to see even more of your progress on the big and house cats and our canine friend here!


Dances with Bees
HW Honey Bear
>>Is there any chance at all that Alessandro will make a standalone LAMH or module for poser (2014)? I really stressed my hand badly when brushing out my gorilla in Photoshop, so I'm not gonna be able to use him often cause I just can't bare to have him in an art piece without looking properly "hairy". :cry:<<

If they were able to create a version of the LAMH player for Poser, that would *possibly* enable Poser users to make use of the presets that are already on the Furry Things website (assuming that the Poser version is able to use the same hair as the Studio version). There are quite a few of them and most of them are user-created hair sets for specific models, like, say, the DAZ Squirrel. The player gives some basic controls that can be adjusted, but the preset already has the basic set for that model.

However, the Player is a free download, and I gather is supported by sales of the full version. So since Poser does have that hair room, there probably wouldn't be so much of a market for the full version. Unless the LAMH's Renderman curves generated hair has major advantages over the dynamic hair that Poser creates for posing and/or rendering.


Personally, I'm really looking forward to a new dog figure, and a few basic breed morphs. But as far as some of the more exotic breeds ? There's just so much that they've got in development at the moment that they most likely won't have the time to do them ( or would they be commercial enough to warrant the effort ). I suspect the exotics my be left for the enthusiasts themselves to morph from the base figure. Whether or not such morphs get released to the general public, that's a different matter.


Busy Bee
Allessandro said this over on Daz in response to requests for an update on the timing of LAMH for Poser:

'Because of Poser structure and the lack of an available SDK, there is no way to have an integrated plugin as LAMH is to DAZ.

But there are other options that I've discussed already with SM guys, and I'm close to setting things up (or give up if there are not the necessary conditions).
Can't disclose any more information at this time but I will as soon as things clarify.'

( Hope it's OK to quote him here)


Freyfaxi: I was suspecting that would likely be the case, haha. Still, the wonderful thing about Hivewire is that it never hurts to throw ideas out there. Even more general morphs, like sloping/tapering the snout or curving the back a bit, could be helpful for a number of breeds (Shepherds, Collies, Greyhounds, Salukis, Wolfhounds, Afghan Hounds, etc.), including exotics, and wouldn't require an entire breed morph. I found the Hivewire Horse to be excellent in that regard, with incredible flexibility 'out of the box', as it were. I'm not really expecting a breed morph for something like a Borzoi (though it would be amazing to have one), but by saying it, I can at least let people know there's some interest in it. I'm sure Chris (and CWRW and Alessandro and everyone else involved in all of these animals coming out) already have their hands plenty full with more popular/safer options.


Contributing Artist
If you look generally at dogs and not the thing that makes a particular breed unique, there are just a few basic shapes.

For example, a Greyhound shape (I'm using this breed as an example as most people know what they look like) would do for most of your sighthounds, (Borzois, Salukis, Wolf/Deerhounds, Whippets etc) of course tweaking head and body shape would be needed for each of those breeds but if the main bodyshape was there and we could at least dial to get what we wanted it would be great. Of course Greys and Whippets would be the easiest as they are short coated, the others would either need something like LAMH or postwork to look more like the breed because of the long coat (especial an Afghan :D).


HW3D President
Staff member
I've been a silent stalker of all these incredible new animal models being worked on for a while, but I finally had to make an account (or rather re-make an account- I had an old one that I guess I must've deleted at some point) to just say how amazing your work is, Chris. The loving attention to detail and the research you do really show, and your patience and generosity with requests for morphs or feedback and input on aspects of the anatomy are truly astounding. As a buyer, it's an incredible (and very rare) thing to be able to ask for something or critique something and have the creators actually listen! I own both Daz horses and Harry, and I can't tell you how much of a drastic improvement Harry is. You put so much time and effort into making sure the model you make is the best it can possibly be, and the finished result is always nothing short of a genuine work of art. Nobody I've found has taken animal modeling as seriously as you have, and I wanted to let you know just how appreciated your efforts are, even by those of us who are a little shy about saying it. ;)

(As a side note, while I realize this breed is a little more obscure and is probably pretty far from a priority, I'd love to see a Borzoi morph for this handsome dog sometime, if possible! borzoi - Google Search They were very popular in the 1920s and 30s, made especially famous by the art deco movement, where they were often depicted in fashion pieces and decorative bronze and porcelain figurines for their elegant build and sleek shapes, in much the same way panthers and cheetahs were at the time. I'm sure a flapper Dawn would look very stately with one. ;))

I can't wait to see even more of your progress on the big and house cats and our canine friend here!

Sure love your enthusiasm and your kind words! Welcome, and glad to see you chime in! Much appreciated. Good to know that folks are paying attention to what is going on and what we're trying to do, and how the HiveWire is uniquely different. It was recently mentioned elsewhere that we were clones of DAZ. I'm taking that out of context but, I don't at all feel like we're a clone of DAZ or trying to be DAZ to our vendors or customers. By the things you've just mentioned above tell me that we're trying to listen and be different by showing what we're doing and asking for input and such. No reason to be overly secretive about what we have to offer to our audience. Some things we must hold in confidence, but by in large I feel it's good to share.