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RELEASED HiveWire Dog Is Underway


Contributing Artist
Yay! I'd love to see some unusual breeds too. And the way you can morph between Harry's breeds to get different shapes in the dog would be great (I have a Belgian Shepherd/Husky cross and would love to get something close to him :))


I think we may have them for Studio (Or maybe AM just did something similar).

Of course there are Sparky's anthropomorphic ones...

Oh, I see Daz Big Cat 2 has a hyena morph. I want a Poser version even more now ;-)


My favorite dog breed at last! I still miss my rough-haired golden lab dispite his species-confusion issues! (His best mate was a Siamese cat called Suki!) I'm really looking forward to this one! :)


Wolff Playing with Beez!
Contributing Artist
Not sure why CG dogs always have to be Wolf's or big or medium sized dogs. MOST folks I know have either medium or small dogs and allot of the smaller ones are a Chihuahua or a mixed Chihuahua of some kind. Not all look like skinny, bug eyed, shaky messes. Some are regal and muscular and beautiful to look at! A total fav of mine!


Dances with Bees
HW Honey Bear
Dachshund. Very popular. But not one of the MilDog's morphs. And, of course all kinds of terriers, but there you usually need the hair to get the look of the breed. Same goes for most of the Asian toy breeds. (Not to mention the fancy crops for poodles.)


One Busy Little Bee
Contributing Artist
And little Pomeranians with all that fur, still looking like cute miniature foxes.

To deal with the fur. You could always have a "shaved" look. Of course with the poodle cut you'd still need some way for the poofs.

Gadget Girl

Contributing Artist
And little Pomeranians with all that fur, still looking like cute miniature foxes.

To deal with the fur. You could always have a "shaved" look. Of course with the poodle cut you'd still need some way for the poofs.

Yes, I'd love to have Luna and Diva playing with a little Pomeranian.

carmen indorato

Oh yeah! A Hyena would be awesome. Those animals are incredible and I don't think one has ever been made for Poser.
Yes there are a few but they are really....sorry for this....crappy. The attempt was good better to my none but far from being a good rendering of the original animal. And yes would love a credible Hyena as well. Glad you are doing this Chris. We needed a good dog set in the community the old Daz version has gotten...well...long in the tooth!
Didn't know the Mastiff was the oldest breed thinking instead it was the Middle Eastern/Afghanistan Afghan Hound.


:snoopydances:Goody, at last a dog. I hope there will be a Dalmatian morph and texture. A Dalmatian owns me :snoopydance:or so he thinks.

Progress will be eagerly followed on this, looking good so far. JanW


HW3D President
Staff member
Good to see the excitement for this dog and other breeds.

So here's my thought. The Horse base can cover much of the ungulates, or hoofed animals. Not all (like the rhino, giraffe, camel and hippo, although I would love to take a crack at the giraffe with this mesh), but many of them. I've proven we can get the bull, cow, deer, sheep as the next tier of content created from the Harry base. So this is good.

The Asian elephant I modeled will sustain us thru the African elephant and Woolly Mammoth too.

My next hope is that the Big Cat/Kitty base can handle all or most of the cats from Leopard up to Lion, Tiger and down to the House cat. But I think we can also get most of the dogs from this base too. From this Labrador I can see us creating a wolf for sure, Great Dane, Boxer, and many other breeds for sure. I'd like to create bulldogs, terriors and for sure the little Chihuahua!!! If we can get a cub and house cat from this mesh we can create a more than adequate Chihuahua. I agree that the tiny dogs need to be represented and I believe this mesh will support them. The short hair versions we can get and we'd need help from Tiny and others to get the fur needed. Alessandro has told me that he'd create fur for Studio with LAMH with our Leopard once it's rigged and ready to hand off. I believe others might want to try their hand at creating fur also.


Busy Bee
This is looking great so far!

Would it be possible to save any of the half way meshes as a crazy morph pack so we could create, say, a leopard-wolf or a Chihuahua-lion??


OMGGGG I can't wait!!!! I have been DYING for a new dog and cat! I'd like to request a Great Pyrenees, Border Collie, German Shepherd and Husky. I'd like to have puppy morphs too! Ahhh so excited. I can't wait, I've wanted a new dog since the Mill dog. This has made my day!! As for a cat I have a flame point siamese that's crying out for beauty and I KNOW if anyone can do that, YOU can!!!


I would be happy to provide you with reference photos of my two dogs, one is a border collie/lab mix and the other is a pyrenees/collie mix :)

It would be SO COOL to be able to create mix breeds from morph dials!