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RELEASED Hivewire Big Cat Has Begun!

Dakorillon (IMArts)

Dances with Bees
Contributing Artist
That is totally awesome!

Also helped you notice some details that you don't think about, when the mouth is slightly open, the side lips fold in around the canines, seeing the eyes as pin-points rather than slits, and the scars that show in the short fur, like cut velvet patterns.


Wolff Playing with Beez!
Contributing Artist
One of the reasons I posted it to give a Cat's Eyed view of their faces, expressions, eye color, ears and yea, mouth stuff. Nice tooth shot too so you can see the yellow hue


Contributing Artist
Amazing video...but quick hide it before Lorraine and Szark notice it was done by a New Zealand Ambassador for Nikon.

All jokes aside...great find Ram...did anyone else notice they have round pupils?


Breathing Life into Characters
Contributing Artist
This project is really looking good. I really like the way we will be able to pose the claws. It looks like the kind of flexibility I have been hoping for in a cat.