The Snow Leopard is different enough I'd really like to see a real FBM morph made by Chris- my dial spin one is kinda lameBut yeah I really want Tigger first
I've been starting on maps by using the lion sans mane for now and Chris and I have been discussing the best way to approach the "mane/neck ruff" for the tiger UV/map wise as well as shaping.
Yeah, I need to get back on our Tiger. My wife and I have been busy moving this last month, and we're finally in our new place as of last night. In a couple days we'll be completely out of our old place and I can focus on modeling again. Most of my efforts will be focused on Dawn 2.0. I'm almost at a point that I can pass our new mesh over to Paul to begin the updated rigging process. But I will make time to work in our Tiger morph too, or for that matter whatever else Laurie would like a morph for.