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For 3DU's Willow for Dawn.........

Dakorillon (IMArts)

Dances with Bees
Contributing Artist
Excuse my ignorance, but can't she wear Dawn's clothing? There is lots of good, normal clothing for Dawn, if she could.


thanks for the news! I use Poser11pro (from vero short time) but I have never copied the morphs of a figure to give the same morphs to the clothes. Actually I do not know how to do it


Dances with Bees
thanks for the news! I use Poser11pro (from vero short time) but I have never copied the morphs of a figure to give the same morphs to the clothes. Actually I do not know how to do it

It's actually pretty simple......

with the clothing item selected on the drop down menu, i.e., Skirt>Body
From the main menu go to Figure>Copy Morphs From and you will get a popup with the figures in the scene.
For Willow, choose Dawn off the menu
Then, you will get a list of all the morphs in Dawn.
Scroll down until you see 3DUWillow and place a check mark by that option
Click OK

After a few minutes, Willow's morphs will be transferred to your skirt. Repeat for other clothing figures.


Dances with Bees
Thanks Glitterati for jumping in! I thought Willow's wardrobe could be expanded that way!

Any time.

But, for reference, anything that is a morph of Dawn (as Willow is) can wear Dawn clothing as long as you move the figure morphs into the clothing. Some may take a bit more work than others (like Diva) depending on how extreme the morph is. Willow took very little effort, though.


Dances with Bees
I did a quick test with Dawn's Jeans, but for now the result is this.....
View attachment 34346
Oh, nice effort! Now, all you need to do is use the Poser morph brush to smooth out the waist band.

Just open the morph brush then from the drop down list, choose the Willow morph and smooth the waistband. That's editing a morph in place. Works like a charm.

If it's too distorted, you can try using the Restore brush on the morph menu, but use it cautiously - dial down the magnitude to 1.00 as you can over restore.


I forgot to ask another thing: in the original "Willow" package there is no folder containing "expressions" for "Willow". Looking in the window of the head, I have no movement options regarding the face. ......


Dances with Bees
In that image above, I used a smile expression from a Dawn set purchased a while back called Express Dawn.

The point is, though, that Dawn expressions will work on her. Dawn's basic expressions are found under Body>Head>Expressions on the parameters tab.


other tests ..... This is a further test by copying the morphs before conforming. The pants go a little better than the first version, but the cinturas was always very distorted: I opted for a version with belt and loops made invisible. As for the shirt I'm not very satisfied, but after doing some experiments in the Fit-room, I returned to the "copy morph" resolution used for the pants.
