• Welcome to the Community Forums at HiveWire 3D! Please note that the user name you choose for our forum will be displayed to the public. Our store was closed as January 4, 2021. You can find HiveWire 3D and Lisa's Botanicals products, as well as many of our Contributing Artists, at Renderosity. This thread lists where many are now selling their products. Renderosity is generously putting products which were purchased at HiveWire 3D and are now sold at their store into customer accounts by gifting them. This is not an overnight process so please be patient, if you have already emailed them about this. If you have NOT emailed them, please see the 2nd post in this thread for instructions on what you need to do

Dawn 2.0 Underway


Well I guess no Dawn 2 for Christmas. Not sure why this is taking as long as it is. 3 years now. I'm not trying to hurry perfection but nothing is perfect. The wait is starting to bum me out a bit. :cry: Can we at least know what the specifics are as to this extra long release delay? o_O
Please remember (and this is for everyone), talented human beings are working to bring Dawn 2 to us, but they are...Human. Beings. Everyone involved has the same ups & downs of life as you & I, and life doesn't allow for creative acts to exist in a vacuum. We're fortunate to have artists who are passionate about business & the craft of making something the community will use well & appreciate, and doubly blessed that Cath is playing a big part of making Dawn 2 a reality. ( and as you well know Ram, she never disappoints! ;) ) It's hard to wait I know, but patience in the presence of creatives that care about the end result & our enjoyment of it, is always rewarded. Steady on folks, steady on, and Happy Merry Joy Joy Joy to all! :love:


It's ever been thus :D Especially with highly anticipated figures.

What keeps me going is that once I have the figure, I know I'll not *really* be able to remember the actual *feeling* of wanting the figure. Sure, I'll remember it intellectually. As a sort of story. But I'll be having so much fun with the figure, I'll forget the "before time". Eventually, I'll not even remember what the before time really *felt* like.

It's like being a kid, unwrapping the presents, and immediately forgetting the anticipation of the weeks before.

Plus, I think about the developers. Pretty sure everyone in this thread has been a dev (contractor, artist, craftsperson, maker, pundit, techie, etc.) of some sort. The pressure. The trudge. The "almost done". The death march. The "this is never going to be done". The squashing or do over of something that won't work no matter what you do. The comments from various interested (and disinterested parties). The concerned friends and family that just wish you'd call it done and get some balance. The light at the end of the tunnel. The "holy sh*t, this works/looks damn good!". The ups, downs, time lost head down endless cycle. The gleeful work with other devs. The arguments over arcane and ultimately forgotten (but very important at the time) things. The slow approach to an ever moving deadline. Exhaustion competing with adrenaline. Finally, the delivery. The "can't sleep" joy. The rush of complements and the hurt of criticisms. And the crash into a sleep of the utterly spent.

I balance that against my mere anticipation as a consumer. Keeps me balanced (such as my balance is). Appreciation of the work, seeded with dreams, sustained with hope. I can wait :D

Besides, I figure my nervous foot tapping can easily be cured with the right therapy. That failing, I'll just hang out with people who don't mind it.

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
Well, crap! Just got a newsletter from Renderosity, special sale titled New Dawn! False alarm. :confused:
I got the same newsletter, but I just stopped and thought for a couple of seconds, and realized they were referring to a "Dawm Of A New Series", as a new project for their newest items and a sale for them.

When our Dawn 1 first appeared, it was a New Dawn, though back then HW3D was referring to a new character series. Besides how would our Dawn 2.0 make it into their store without Cath (MEC4D) not announcing it here on our forum first!!!


I got the same newsletter, but I just stopped and thought for a couple of seconds, and realized they were referring to a "Dawm Of A New Series", as a new project for their newest items and a sale for them.

When our Dawn 1 first appeared, it was a New Dawn, though back then HW3D was referring to a new character series. Besides how would our Dawn 2.0 make it into their store without Cath (MEC4D) not announcing it here on our forum first!!!
I thought that maybe it was a surprise attack! ;) :rolleyes:



Busy Bee
I've moved back pretty much to conventional art ( painting) for a variety of reasons, but will come back for the New dawn, whenever she makes her appearance. I 'm especially excited to get my hands on MEC4D s mermaid!!!

I hope dawn gets a real splash with good promo art when she arrives- I can totally see her in an allusion to :


  • 3409958.jpg
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Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
OK, not sure if Cath (MEC4D) has been on the forum lately, but I just read a Poser Software Newsletter that was sent out this afternoon, and it seems that Poser 13 is officially expected to hit the store some time in "March '23", so we only have about 2 more months to wait to be able to play with the new software. ;)

Then, hopefully, Dawn 2.0 won't be much longer to hit the store afterwards. :)


Perhaps that's what the wait is about. Maybe something that can only be used in Poser 13 is being added?



Quick question. Will I have to make new shoes for Dawn 2.0 or can she wear the previous Dawns' shoes? I'll probably make them anyway, but I can't do anything until I get her.


Zbrushing through the topology
Contributing Artist
OK, not sure if Cath (MEC4D) has been on the forum lately, but I just read a Poser Software Newsletter that was sent out this afternoon, and it seems that Poser 13 is officially expected to hit the store some time in "March '23", so we only have about 2 more months to wait to be able to play with the new software. ;)

Then, hopefully, Dawn 2.0 won't be much longer to hit the store afterwards. :)
Hi MissB I am not so sure they going to be ready for March with Poser13 , but if they do little later that would be also great as I could provide new PBR materials and lighting for Dawn2 and that would be perfection . We really want P13 as that would be a huge game changer and new fresh start with lots of new possibilities and lots of fun .