• Welcome to the Community Forums at HiveWire 3D! Please note that the user name you choose for our forum will be displayed to the public. Our store was closed as January 4, 2021. You can find HiveWire 3D and Lisa's Botanicals products, as well as many of our Contributing Artists, at Renderosity. This thread lists where many are now selling their products. Renderosity is generously putting products which were purchased at HiveWire 3D and are now sold at their store into customer accounts by gifting them. This is not an overnight process so please be patient, if you have already emailed them about this. If you have NOT emailed them, please see the 2nd post in this thread for instructions on what you need to do

Childe Of Fyre Freebies

Seliah (Childe of Fyre)

Running with the wolves.
Contributing Artist
I added a new item to the website today while waiting on a render to complete. This is just a utility MAT, basically. It's a set of DS material presets to apply some improved 3Delight settings to Bluebird3D's "After 5" outfit for G3M. The outfit does come with it's own 3DL materials, but I found them to a bit too shiny for my own personal tastes, so... I made these settings for my use, and figured they might be helpful to others.

Note :
There are NO TEXTURES included in this file! These are only 3Delight material presets designed to apply the item's stock textures for use when rendering in the 3DL engine.


Requires :
Daz Studio 4.x (all files are in .duf format)
Bluebird3D's "After 5" outfit for Genesis 3 Male

Includes :
4 3Delight material presets for the After 5 G3M outfit pieces. (.duf format)

File Size :
142 kbs

Usage Rights :
Commercial renders are OK.
No redistribution of the zip file contents for any reason, in any way.
Sorry, but no, I do NOT allow my items to be used in Second Life for ANY reason.

Website :

ShareCG :
COF After 5 - 3Delight MATs - DAZ Studio - ShareCG

DeviantArt :
COF 3Delight MATs for G3M After 5 Outfit (DS Only)


Seliah (Childe of Fyre)

Running with the wolves.
Contributing Artist
This is a migrated package item. I used to sell it over on Content Paradise. I closed that store down some time ago, and I've been slowly migrating some of that content into my freebies. Mostly the things I migrate over are items that I don't feel represent my current quality levels well enough to continue to sell, but are still good enough that they might be useful to people in other ways. I just don't want them in my storefront is all.

Anyway - this is a set of textures done for the old Uzilite M401 clothing that was made for Michael 4 many years back. It was originally uploaded to CP back in 2011 as a sale item, and the base clothing was already a couple of years old by that point. So this gives you an idea of the age. Some of the textures are definitely showing their age, some of them are putting my inexperience with texturing (back at that time) on very painful display. LOL But overall, I thought some people might be able to get use out of these somewhere. I know that Michael 4 is still widely used by Poser artists.


Requires :
Uzilite's "M401" for Michael 4 (Daz)
Michael 4 to wear the base clothing.

Includes :
10 Button Shirt Textures
10 V-Neck Sweater Textures
10 Ties Textures
10 Slacks Textures
10 Shoes Textures
1 Button Shirt transparency map (Not shown - makes the shirt into a long-sleeve.)
1 V-Neck Sweater transparency map (Not shown - makes the V-Neck into a sleeveless vest/sweater.)
All necessary MATs to apply the textures and transparency options to the included items.

1 really good laugh at just how HORRIBLE my texturing skills were back in 2011. :roflmao:

File Size :
22 mbs

File Format :
All files are in Poser native format. (.png, .jpg, pz2)
Daz Studio users should expect to have to manually adjust material settings in the Surfaces tab.

Usage Rights :
Commercial renders are OK.
No redistribution of the zip file contents for any reason, in any way.
Sorry, but no, I do NOT allow my items to be used in Second Life for ANY reason.

Website :

ShareCG :
COF Every Mans Closet for M401 - Poser - ShareCG

DeviantArt :
COF Every Man's Closet (Poser)


Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
Nice Seliah. Unfortunately, that's not one of the Uzilite sets I have.

Seliah (Childe of Fyre)

Running with the wolves.
Contributing Artist
Nice Seliah. Unfortunately, that's not one of the Uzilite sets I have.

Yeah, I understand. And it was a really hard one to find any add-ons for. I only ever found one add-on for it at Rendo years back, and that was it, other than the one I made. It's still sold over on Daz, the original M4 version, I mean. It is a nice set, even with it's age, and I still use it today. :)

But anyway. It's kind of like the Village Girl dress thing for me... I figured the textures could still be useful in some ways, and especially with how few add-ons there were for the clothes, I just didn't want to completely retire it, so I migrated it over to my freebies instead. :)

Seliah (Childe of Fyre)

Running with the wolves.
Contributing Artist
Cool. Some of the textures are very deliberately "No-Dads" LOL. Have fun... and laugh once or twice at my horrid texture skills from that time. :)


Contributing Artist
I don't believe I have that one. Unfortunately his products were always so expensive and rarely went on sale so I never picked it up. There is some great variety there...

Seliah (Childe of Fyre)

Running with the wolves.
Contributing Artist
Yes, his items have always been on the pricey side, kind of like Luthbel in that way. I used to have to save up for them back during M3 and then M4's early days, because at that time we were living on minimum wage. The items do really walk the walk, though... I still use them a lot, so I suppose in the long run it was worth it. But they can be expensive, and I am sure with the exchange rates it would be even more expensive for people outside of the US.

He does go on sale semi-frequently nowadays, but it's still only a couple of times a year, I think. So he continues to be expensive with very few sales. The items are good, but there is definitely a price tag attached.

Seliah (Childe of Fyre)

Running with the wolves.
Contributing Artist
I know I uploaded both versions of this to the Resources area here, but I figured it would be worth adding to my freebie thread, since I don't put ALL of my items into the HW Resources section, and some folks might see it in the forums but not in Resources.

Alma is just a shape preset/morph settings for Poser & Daz Studio. I finally, finally succeeded in making a functional INJ and REM file! (Seriously, I'm STILL happily chewing on this - it means I can actually start making progress on the Morning Soul product for the Poser side!)

Ahem. Setting down now. :D

I normally do separate INJ/REM's so that the end user can have just the head or just the body if they need. I was not able to do that with Alma, and I do apologize for that. Too much of her facial structure is derived from some of the full body morphs. I really wish there was a way around that, but I haven't found it yet. As a result, Alma is one of those rare cases where I only have a single INJ and a single REM, because I just couldn't get separate settings to work well and look right.

There are NO TEXTURES here - these are just the shape presets. She's a dial-spun morph.


Requires :

Base Morphs
Starter Morphs
Dawn Head Shapes
Dawn Body Shapes

Includes :
1 Alma INJ
1 Alma REM

File Size :
97.2 kbs (Daz Studio Version)
81.4 kbs (Poser Version)

File Format :
.DUF files (Daz Studio Version)
.pz2 files (Poser Version)

Usage Rights :
Commercial renders are OK.
Contents NOT for redistribution.
Sorry, but no, I do NOT allow my items to be used in Second Life for ANY reason.

Website :
COF Alma for Dawn (Daz Studio)
COF Alma for Dawn (Poser)

ShareCG :
COF Alma for Dawn (Daz Studio)
COF Alma for Dawn (Poser)

DeviantArt :
COF Alma for Dawn (Daz Studio)
COF Alma for Dawn (Poser)

Alma-DS-MainPromo.jpg Alma-Ps-MainPromo.jpg

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
Thanks muchly Seliah. I grabbed her for Poser quickly, and can't wait to play with her.

Seliah (Childe of Fyre)

Running with the wolves.
Contributing Artist
So... I've been busy today. LOL I migrated the remainder of my old Content Paradise items into my freebies. This would be the Digital Souls morphs, of which I was in the midst of doing a series of them back around the time I was shifting from Poser full-time into Daz Studio full-time.

There's five in total. I'm just going to cram them all into one post for the sake of not ballooning the thread up with a bunch of posts that aren't necessary, when I can do it in one for the batch.

There are NO TEXTURES here - these are just the shape presets. These are all dial-spun morph INJs/Shape presets.


Requires :

Please check the details pages for each morph, as it's different for each one.

Includes :
1 INJ/REM for each Poser character
1 Shape Preset INJ/REM for the single Daz Studio character

File Size :
143 kbs (Xin M4)
414 kbs (Tynesha V4)
127 kbs (Henry M4)
424 kbs (Lynne V4)
734 kbs (Kendra Genesis 1)

File Format :
.DUF files (Daz Studio Version)
.pz2 files (Poser Versions)

Usage Rights :
Commercial renders are OK.
Contents NOT for redistribution.
Sorry, but no, I do NOT allow my items to be used in Second Life for ANY reason.

Website :
Xin (M4)
Tynesha (V4)
Henry (M4)
Lynne (V4)
Kendra (Genesis 1)

ShareCG :
Xin (M4)
Tynesha (V4)
Henry (M4)
Lynne (V4)
Kendra (Genesis 1)

COF-DS-XinMainPromo.jpg COF-DS-TyneshaMainPromo.jpg
COF-DS-HenryMainPromo.jpg LynneMainPromo.jpg COF-DS-KendraMainPromo.jpg