It's also something that can be literally done in hours.
The body is from the game Spore.
Something you can pick up dirt cheap from most 2nd hand game shops, often for pence/cents.
Think I paid under £5 for the core game and the creature creator and 50p for extra creatures.
You'll also need a particular patch and I won't deny this lot can be fiddly to install.
But if you persevere (theres loads of tutorials etc online which can help) you'll be able to enable a "cheat" console.
One that allows you to export to .dae with .tga textures.
A .dae that can be easily be converted to .obj using free online services.
So you can 3d print this or use it as a poser model.
Though the textures are only 512x512, so if using in poser etc, you'll need to make some new ones.
The best way to do this is with something that can paint textures on a mesh.
Obviously theres cool stuff like Blacksmith3D (maybe Blender?) or if you're really rich... Zbrush.
But theres also Zbrush's (free) baby bro... Sculptris.
However Sculptris is funny about what it'll import.
Often it'll throw up an error about meshses having more than X verts.
Though there's a very simple..and also free solution to that.. MeshMixer.
Meshmixer, as the name suggests, mixes up meshes.
Such as in this model, I've used a .STL head model from Thingverse (Creative Commons as well) and the Spore body.
Though the important thing is MeshMixer exports to an .OBJ that sculptris will usually accept.
Then once your in sculptris, you can add smooth out any poor connections between the 2 parts.
Add some subdivision, add some lumps and bumps etc, or resize areas.
And yea I know the hands are too big on this one
After that you can enable Sculptris's paint mode and texture paint it.
Maximum texture export size allowed is 2048x2048, but that's good enough.
Just remember to keep saving as Sculptris can be buggy, plus once you enter paint mode, you can't return to the sculpting mode.