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Bejeweled and Fantasy sets:WIP


Dances with Bees
Contributing Artist
Working on a few seam errors in Sparkled but concentration is not great.
My oldest brother is in the hospital, he went out to eat last night with his son-in-law and shortly after he was passing blood and vomiting blood.
they rushed him to ER this morning after discovering it.
It looks like an extremely bad case of food poisoning and he has been admitted.
Not good at his for a 76 year old in poor health...sigh.

Hope Sparkled is ready soon for store testing but I want it right this time. :)

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
Sorry to hear about your brother's ill health FL. Here's hoping he's feeling better soon.


Dances with Bees
Contributing Artist
Edits are done for Sparkled and I posted the new ones in the box for testers.
If you tested before and used the old folder, let me know and i'll point you to the new one.


Contributing Artist
Do you still need me to finish up on the Fire Fly renders? I was hoping to get to it this weekend. I also have to give the Seahorse another look over with the new mane tail hooves.


Dances with Bees
Contributing Artist
No, that isn't needed now, just one more feedback from a Poser tester and it should be done.
Rae will check to be sure I got a ll the DS maps in the folder and have the folder structures correct.
Then we will submit it. :)


Contributing Artist
Ok Cool! I will try to include an image using the textures in my Gypsy Vanner promo images. I have one that looks sort of like the Ming Dynasty images and think that might be pretty cool!!

Dakorillon (IMArts)

Dances with Bees
Contributing Artist
Trying to get a few steps ahead on this before anymore submissions on BeJeweled.
Spent the day rechecking all files and textures and fixing any seams I found.
Now when ready for each pack I have them ready for testers again.
Sparkled will be ready to submit soon...yay!



Dances with Bees
Contributing Artist
Spent a couple of days this week working on the other BeJeweled sets so they will be ready for testers.
I'm trying to get a few steps ahead on each one but the arthritis has flared too bad to do much at a time.
Waiting for responses on the Sparkled set then will submit it.
And if all goes well, the carousel will go back to the QAV and, hopefully, into the store.

That will give me a bit of time to rest my hands for the next rounds. :)


Dances with Bees
Contributing Artist
I hope to have a wing texture set for BeJeweled soon.
I still have not been able to work very much, hope it eases soon so I can finish my projs=ects.
Here is a render od one set I'm doing.


  • !BJ-Unicorn-02.png
    675.2 KB · Views: 392
  • !BJ-wings-02.png
    342 KB · Views: 331