Well, time for an update. We are living with one of our daughters in Oklahoma, all of our stuff is in storage back in Colorado, but at least it's safe, and we are safe. No jobs yet, though he has had several interviews. We are broadening our ideas about jobs even more, but he really wants to keep teaching. He is taking a Praxis test next month to get a Science Endorsement for his license, so that he can teach Science, too, and that may bring in new opportunities. He did have one offer, but they were offering about 10k less than what we would need to just scrape by in the area that the job was located! If we already had a house there it might have been different. We are in negotiations with another job, but they too are offering WAY less than what we would need to live there (in Hawaii). So, thank you to all for the prayers, keep them coming, we know that something is waiting in the wings for us, just have to be the right time/place.