Dances with Bees
Well, I will go until I can't stand it anymore. And after working on obese1, I don't know if I want to tackle obese2. Might just finish up the easy ones and call it a day.At least in DS, the collision system covers a multitude of sins, I am basically just doing this for Poser's sake.
Yes, Obese 2 is really extreme and I leave it out of most of my stuff. Same with Body Builder2 - although this one isn't nearly as tough as Obese2. It really depends on how much distortion is required to fit the morph and if it looks bad, I simply omit it.
It's not just a matter of making the clothing fit - it's whether or not you can fit the clothing without texture stretching so bad it's not recognizable. That's why I put my UV template on the Diffuse setting so I can see how badly, and where, the mesh is distorting in morphs.