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Savage Warrior Dawn
Tribal Warrior Women Hunting.
"Ulla gripped the blade she had fashioned from the great beasts jaw tightly in hand as she led her tribeswoman down into the Valley of Rock. Moll hefted her heavy wood club over her shoulder, and Taan kept her bow at the ready as they advanced. They knew not what they would find in this place bellow the snows. Thankfully they had fashioned helmets from the skulls of the beasts they hunt, and a shield from a creature of the sea of salt. Now they looked to go to war with the gorilla tribe. Long had the lowbrows carried off their clansmen, today they would see retribution. While Ulla thanked the great teaching stone for the knowledge to fashion these tools in their time of need, she secretly wondered if it would become a curse her children's children would some day bear the cost of."

Promotional Image for Savage Warrior for Dawn at Renderosity.
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Savage Warrior Dawn.jpg
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470.1 KB
Date taken
Fri, 10 May 2024 11:48 PM
1580px x 2030px

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