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The Anchorage, Part 3


I'm afraid I added to the madness by going and getting Satira's Aine clothing for Diva...naughty girl, especially as it wasn't on sale. But I figured I'd saved so much with everything else I got, AND I don't have any groceries to get this week, that I'd get it and blow the budget :) So much to have fun with, Pen :)

Dear Lord! Whatever you do please, please, please do NOT make Lorraine Chancellor of the Exchequer! :eek:

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
I'm afraid I added to the madness by going and getting Satira's Aine clothing for Diva...naughty girl, especially as it wasn't on sale. But I figured I'd saved so much with everything else I got, AND I don't have any groceries to get this week, that I'd get it and blow the budget :) So much to have fun with, Pen :)
Oh you're going to have fun with that set as well. ;)

Satira Capriccio

Contributing Artist
Poor Tsuki! She always squeezes out the door as I slowly open it when I get home. Tonight she decided was an explore the hallway night. But about two door down, the girl who lives there whipped her door open (I kid you not!), Tsuki rushed over to greet her, and the girl screamed and slammed the door shut. Then I heard her screaming to her roommate there was a cat out in the hallway.

The minute she screamed, Tsuki bolted back down to our door. Not sure who was more scared, the girl or poor Tsuki who was only trying to be a good neighbor and say hello!

Of course, I can understand it would be rather shocking to see an animal rushing toward you when you live in an apartment building ... especially on an upper floor. Bet she's a bit more cautious from now on leaving her apartment :wink:


The Wicked Witch of the North
Dear Lord! Whatever you do please, please, please do NOT make Lorraine Chancellor of the Exchequer! :eek:

:roflmao: non-one, not anyone at ALL, would put me in charge of any Exchequer...my motto? 'Have money, will spend!'

Thanks Lorraine! I hope you like Stephen, as well as Aine's clothing.

I got Aine and her poses some time ago and completely forgot! So now I have the set as I have Stephen's set and I'm well set (get it?!) to have some fun. I've also got Nouvelle Aube and Clarette Rose clothing so Diva has some very nice new clothes. Only sadness is inability to use the mats, they're SO PRETTY!

Thunderstorms and torrential rain across Northland today, I've got to go check my dinghy! Eeeeep o_O

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
Yes all of Satira's textures are great. It's too bad they don't translate to DS easily enough.

Then again Lorraine, you do a fairly nice job of texturing yourself, so look forward to what you come up with. ;)


The Wicked Witch of the North
Why thank you, Miss B :) I know I can do my own texturing on these but I'm mourning not being able to use Satira's just because they are so well designed and executed. She has such a way with colour and textures.


Contributing Artist
I haven't had a chance to get any of Satira's beautiful items yet (and with no job I guess it will be awhile still) but just curious why you can't use them?

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
If you mean the textures Rae, it's because they're procedural. Satira has a good many textures she uses, but they're also set up with shader nodes that won't necessarily translate to DS shader nodes.


The Wicked Witch of the North
That's the reason, Rae. Some of her textures use maps including all the skins but most of the clothing textures are Poser procedural shaders.


:roflmao: non-one, not anyone at ALL, would put me in charge of any Exchequer...my motto? 'Have money, will spend!'

Nowt wrong with that Lorraine. In fact thats pretty much my own outlook on the subject! Eer! Or was it have daughters and grandaughters, they will spend! It's that long since I saw my wallet I'm not actually sure any more!

Thinks! Was that a new dress Emma was wearing today or..........................gulp! :confused:


The Wicked Witch of the North
:roflmao::roflmao::roflmao::roflmao::roflmao::roflmao::roflmao: you crack me up, Myth!

Lightning strikes this afternoon! I'm under that big red patch :eek:
lightning strikes.jpg

Satira Capriccio

Contributing Artist
Thanks Lorraine!

How well do the materials on the clothing with an image map work in DS? I don't know which nodes translate over to DS and which nodes don't (Blender, Blinn, Specular, etc.). I don't see anything like a cloud node (which is what I use for the DiffuseNode) in the documentation for DS. The Cloud Node creates a marbled/irregular color rather than a solid color.

The difference between the procedural materials and the ones with a diffuse texture map is just the diffuse node. The procedurals use the cloud node instead of a texture map to set the diffuse color. I use tiling image maps, so you could also use the material/surface setup from a zone with an image map in place of the clouds node procedural. Also, Play for Diva includes materials for the Nouvelle Aube clothing ... as well as the Clarette Rose clothing and those do use more image maps on some zones rather than the cloud node.

Nouvelle Aube Bodice (Nouvelle Aube Material - NA Dress)

Nouvelle Aube Bodice (Diva Play Material - DP-01 NA Dress)

While the Nouvelle Aube clothing is pretty much all procedural, the later clothing relies more on image maps. Though some material zones still use the cloud node for the diffuse node instead of an image map. But ... Play for Diva includes the SoftClouds01 image map, and that could be used in place of the Clouds Node to achieve that marbled/irregular color look. Then too ... ain't nothing wrong with a solid color! The clothing bump is an image map, so there should still be a textured look.



Let me know if this helps any or if it's all gibberish.

Satira Capriccio

Contributing Artist
Eek about the thunderstorm! Now I'm thinking Robin Williams in the opening scene for Popeye!

Sigh ... my motto is Have money, will save!

Though, I did have to replace my backpack this week. Since we're sharing offices now, I don't have a lot of space, and the only place to put my backpack is beside my chair. I discovered I've been rolling over the plastic buckle that fastens the flap down ... so the buckle is now broken and the flap can't be fastened. So ... time to retire that backpack. I bought it on January 15, 2007, so it's had a decent life. But, I will miss it.

I now have The North Face Surge Womens Backpack so tonight I'll move everything over. Boy, does it pick up cat hair!!! The front is covered in cat hair because Tsuki kept grabbing the tags while I was trying to loosen the straps. I finally put it on the carpet so she couldn't get to the tags while I loosened the straps. Mistake :p But, it would have been more of a mistake to put it in my lap!

:roflmao: non-one, not anyone at ALL, would put me in charge of any Exchequer...my motto? 'Have money, will spend!'


The Wicked Witch of the North
Hi Satira and thank you SO MUCH for the explanation! And the texture maps come out hunky dory in DS. I shall be trying the cloud texture and diffuse colours real soon :)

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
Hey Lorraine, just out of curiosity I just checked both my DS 3A and DS 4.0P to see if there's a Clouds Brick and it's there in both. In case you aren't aware of where it is, In DS 4.0P I found it by right-clicking in the Shader Mixer Window (you can open it from the Windows menu if you don't have it open by default), and selecting Insert Brick > Bricks (Default) > Functions > Textures > Clouds.

How similar the Clouds will look in DS I don't know, but the fact that it's there will at least give you a starting point to recreate Clouds as they're found in Poser.


The Wicked Witch of the North
I just opened the Shader Mixer window, Miss B, and done near passed out!!! Considering that's what happened when I first opened both Photoshop and DS I'm not going to give up hope I'll be able to do...something in it. In fact somewhere buried is a shader mixer tutorial. As it is I've been looking at Satira's nodey things and collecting colours :)