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Howdy all


Keyboards aren't liquid proof... and so easily to fubar, the worst is cola... 15 years of IT taught me that ;) You won't believe the stuff i've seen...

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
I usually only drink water most of the day, and always from a sports bottle, so the top is always snapped closed after each drink. It's been decades since I've had any sort of carbonated soda, and the lemonade was added about 7 1/2 years ago after I fought a losing battle with a Kidney stone. My Urologist told me lemon juice is a good way to help keep them from forming, and I haven't had one since.

Of course, all bets are off if I spit a mouth full of water (or lemonade) on the monitor, as you never know where else it'll dribble as it rolls down. I haven't had a problem with the keyboard yet, so I guess I get it all wiped up quickly enough. ;)


@Miss B I drink coffee most of the day.

Sounds like you were quick and it dried up nicely, but I've repaired computers where roaches got inside the case, or mice (generally they get electrocuted chewing the cables) Of course in cases like those the Client gets charged even within warranty, under the customer abuse guidelines.

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
I think it probably was owing to my parents having to be on caffeine free coffee when I was in my teens and early 20s. I just got used to it, and could only drink regular coffee if/when I went out for breakfast with friends. Once your body gets used to not having the caffeine, it rebels when you do have it. Even when I was still drinking soda, it was always 7-Up, and not Coke or Pepsi.


Contributing Artist
Usually I only have to make sure I'm not consuming anything liquid when reading one of McG's posts, but you got me Pen. You got me good. ~wipes the lemonade off the monitor~
Keyboards aren't liquid proof... and so easily to fubar, the worst is cola... 15 years of IT taught me that ;) You won't believe the stuff i've seen...

That is so true...the number of keyboards I've replaced because I've split coffee on them...generally first thing when I'm still half asleep.


Contributing Artist
Oh...yeah! Would have to agree with that...I have managed to save them once or twice and dry them out but generally they're not much good after.


You know Avatars are interesting. I always wonder, does it bother Hindus that we took a word of theirs with important religious meaning and adapted it to use for little pictures we put on web forums? I mean, from what I know about Hinduism, (which is much more than your average American, but that is probably a low bar) it's a fairly apt metaphor, only doesn't it put us in the place of the Divine? I mean I am one being (well actually I'm millions of tiny beings called cells, but the delusion of my consciousness lets me believe that I am one being, and not really just a survival suit for my appendix) but on the web I appear in many forms. Most of those times those forms are just the default icon, because there are not many places I care about my avatar that much.

But here is different, although why should it be. . . .

I mean I could make my own avatar using Poser for any site. But I don't. And then my first avatar on this site was something I contrived, because I thought I would make a good 'Gadget Girl' using this steam punk hat I had in my runtimes. But it was too busy, too dark, and my attempts to contrive who I am was not that good. And then one day I was playing around and making this massive scene with a dragon, and I was trying to make a little tweak to something on the model sitting on the dragon's tail and switched to the face camera, and suddenly, there I was. My inner Ninja Priestess Who Sits on Dragon Tails was staring back at me. And so I had a new avatar.

Which makes you wonder if that's how sphinxs happened. Some divine being was just playing around and said, "Wow, that's the real me. Not some old guy with a beard. But a badass lion with wings and a human head".

Probably not. But you never know. And thank you to McGyver, for helping me unlock my inner rambler. Also, put those sphinxes in an electro-static discharge bag and then burry them. That should help the The Annihilatron be more mass destructive, and less miraculous (unless you consider mass destruction miraculous, and you know. . . if you start thinking about a certain flood. . . )

My wife is Hindu and the use of the word never bothered her, only the movie Avatar bothered her because it was like $13 and only available in 3D... That and Sigourney Weaver's character died...
In Hinduism there is a lot of "don't take life too seriously, it's just a journey and its what you make of it that counts"...
Which I suppose is a lot of help to her when I come running out of the basement looking for fire extinguisher or the kids come home from the park with me three hours late and smelling like swamp mud...
My wife's dad is alway saying "Don't waste time being angry about things you can't change or are out of reach, when you can enjoy the things right before you which are open to change"...
Which I usually take to mean "please change those pants, they smell like swamp mud and use a step-ladder to get those cookies in the top cabinet and stop climbing on the counter, you are getting swamp mud everywhere"...
I'm sure there is a deeper meaning, but I really was making a mess... In all fairness, they did choose to live with us after seeing me barbecue, so if anything was a cautionary example of something potentially aggregating to avoid, they were okay with it...
I think the fact that when a power transformer down the block blew up (spectacularly, shaking the house) and I went next door to mention it he just casually said "oh, I thought you were doing something ", that just illustrated how used to my shenanigans they've gotten.
As far as the use of the word avatar, at least in the branch of Hinduism my wife follows (just like other religions there are different sects or philosophies), words are not divine, they may connect to or illustrate an idea or thing, but they are irrelevant in the grand scheme of the universe.. while one should show respect for these ideas, its far more important to show reverence for living things and the well being of others... Divinity is to be found in the our connection to the divinity of the universe as greater whole, an entity we are all part of...
Or something like that... It really depends on who you ask...

By the way, be careful what you say in front of your appendix... They are very touchy about being vestigial and if you make them feel unwanted they'll throw a hissy fit and have to be removed...
Granted, then you get to make fun of them all you want, especially if you keep them in a jar, but it can lead to other organs trying to get attention and eventually it can end up in a big fight with your brain making your hands beat up your stomach or your mouth biting your foot...
Trust me I've been there, it gets weird and can be hard to explain on a bus.


Ayep, keys getting sticky due to the sugar content once it dries... just terrible.
But it's fun licking the keys afterward... And depending on whose keyboard it is and what they snack on, the keyboard cheese can be quite scrumptious...

Actually that's pretty gross... I did an IT stint once and the things you find in other people's keyboards is super gross... One person had baby roaches in their keyboard... Egg cases and dead adult carcasses... Bleegh!

We really did refer to the mung in the keyboards as "Keyboard Cheese" though.


Well, keyboard cheese is a very complex blend of ingredients... I suppose if it were a commercial food substitute they would list the ingredients as such:

Warning: This product was manufactured in a cubicle by an unsanitary individual that may have been in contact with tree nuts or have dropped them from their mouth during the fermentation process.

Ingredients: Potato chip dust, Cheetos powder (for color), non-dairy creamer, French fry particles, salt, monodifunkified french fry grease (binder), sugar, ceiling tile dust, exfoliated human skin cells, human hair, rodent hair, rodent urine dust, sneeze particles, bagel crumbs, dehydrated coffee funk (for color and body), Blattella meal (roach dust- Blattella germanica, orientalis or Supella longipalpa depending on region or availability), wheat dust from fortune cookies, whiteout scrapings, dehydrated human sweat concentrate (from a blend of desperation, despair and frustration), poppy seeds, dandruff, dried cola splatter, maple syrup residue, sesame seeds, one or more of the following human hairs- head, eyebrow, body, eyelash, armpit and mustache, booger enzymes, cheddar dust, pop corn shrapnel, phosphorus dust (from non GMO lightbulbs), fingernail clippings, high fructose saliva syrup, eraser particle, pencil shavings, chocolate chip particles, recombined human-rodent- insect DNA, peanut particles and assorted office dust.

Mega Corp Keyboard Cheese is the perfect snack when your tyrannical employer won't let you go home anymore or you have just plain old, totally given up on life.
Mega Corp Keyboard Cheese is manufactured deep in the recesses of genuine 1980s IBM, Wang, Magnastar, and Xerox keyboards using the original cocaine and funk enzyme cultures found only in these vintage devices, blended and churned by the frantic typing of bugged out hackers riding energy drink highs, our keyboard cheese is aged for no less than six months.
Spread Mega Corp Keyboard Cheese on crackers, stick your tongue in and lick it out of the jar or spoon it onto your modern keyboard and suck it out of those pathetic modern key gaps... Whatever you like, it's a taste you'll love.

Relive the old days but in a far worse economic climate and taste the difference... You'll agree ours is the best!


Now available in 48 ounce aerosol cans!


Welcome, Scatha. This place is a lot more friendly than most are nowadays.

Hilarious as usual, Mc G! ROFL

(Did you try going to an ordinary supermarket for the pudding? The one I work at has several flavors in the RPP brand including chocolate.)