• Welcome to the Community Forums at HiveWire 3D! Please note that the user name you choose for our forum will be displayed to the public. Our store was closed as January 4, 2021. You can find HiveWire 3D and Lisa's Botanicals products, as well as many of our Contributing Artists, at Renderosity. This thread lists where many are now selling their products. Renderosity is generously putting products which were purchased at HiveWire 3D and are now sold at their store into customer accounts by gifting them. This is not an overnight process so please be patient, if you have already emailed them about this. If you have NOT emailed them, please see the 2nd post in this thread for instructions on what you need to do

Howdy all


Those aren't the same... 'sides, magical beans?? I'll think about it if they're fava-beans and come with a free bottle of chianti ;)


RETIRED HW3D QAV Director (QAV Queen Bee)
Staff member
Yeah, I know it's not the same but pretty good. Though I know McG wants it all prepared ;)


You sure Rae? The large packages McG refers to comes with a rather I'll fitting white coat, with extra long sleeves and leather straps, lol.


And I'm told that many of us artsy types are prone to be a bit nutty (incl depression)... with my failing health, i'll freely admit to that.


As for how nutty, I think Rammy can attest to that.... I can be quite a cheeky ba$t4rd :p

Or a short tempered one on my bad days (which are the ones I fight my hardest) :(


Excuse me for a moment...
I just had to share this...
Okay, so I mentioned the pudding, which no longer is available at my local Costco or BJs...
In case you don't have those in your area of the globe, they are giant "club stores"... You pay a yearly fee and you are supposed to get fantastic savings on bulk or special purchase items... Over the past few years the fantastic has gotten less so, but the savings still mostly offsets the fee, so I still go there...
If nothing else, for the comedic value of buying a barrel of non-dairy creamer from the same warehouse they hid the ark of the covenant at in Raiders of The Lost Ark...
As I think I mentioned, they stopped carrying big cans of pudding... 112 ounces (at some point I weighed the actual contents and it was pretty close to 8 pounds)...(536.005 finklewatts in metric)...
Apparently, since people started caring for their health, these things are frowned upon...
I was actually okay with it when I was at the store... But then I mentioned it here and I thought about it again...
And the thought crossed my mind... I wonder where I can still get these...
Stop saying "why?"
You'll watch a Japanese movie where a samurai will trek a thousand miles to bring a cherry blossom to the man who made his sandals and think it's a heroic and beautiful gesture, yet I mention tracking down 8 pound cans of pudding and everyone is thinking that's nuts...
You do...
You just don't understand...
For me the pudding is more then... Whatever the hell pudding is made of... Well, that pudding... At around 9 dollars for 8 pounds, it can't be too real... But that's not even the point...
The pudding is more than some thick creamy, vaguely chocolaty brownish goo...
It's my connection to the protoplasm that life on earth evolved from... It's a bond as old as life on earth... Nay, all life in this galaxy, and ultimately the universe... It transcends the coalescence of matter that led to great explosion of Galaxies and worlds which made our perception of the universe what it is and affords a unseen bond to countless other universes we have yet to witness or even comprehend...
What is pudding to you...
Is touching the soul of the great consciousness of all living things, both now and that ever have been... That's what the pudding is to me.
Yeah... See?
Didn't expect that?
Yeah, well I even went to one of those stores that restaurants buy stuff from to find my pudding...
But apparently they don't buy pudding, just high end healthy crap.
At least I really tripped out the stock guy I asked about it...
I explained the pudding's metaphysical importance to the essence of the universe...
I think he may have converted to Buddhism right there or had some new age epiphany, because he just walked off out the door mumbling...
But as my sensei once told me... "Enough with the damn pudding, fool"
So I pushed the thought of it's divine puddingness aside and decided to turn my back on the universe and live in the world of man.
Puddingless I managed to go on.
I think it was like about a week...
Then for whatever reason, I mentioned it here and I decided my journey was incomplete.
I would either have to travel to Mount Andrithia and confront Lord Dravaknar or find the pudding...
I'd explain that last part, but the pudding probably could be purchased online, so that seemed easier than battling a four headed demon with an odd lisp... (It's very hard to understand his threats).
Okay, so that was all backstory to the actual reason I started writing this...
Today I go online and decide to see if it's worth buying the pudding via the internet.
Not so much...
So, apparently now pudding in 112 ounce cans is either nonexistent, sold out or $40-$50 a can...
What the hell?
First thing I'm thinking is Lord Dravaknar is trying to force my hand, but then I think about it and I remember he's kinda lazy and stupid.
So I go to Amazon, because they sell pretty much anything and pudding shouldn't be that hard to come by...
But even there it's way overpriced...
I was getting it for under $10 a can... I'm not paying $25 -$50 plus shipping for a stupid can of pudding... Which is very special to me, but still...
$12 max and it better be available as Prime...
So at the bottom of the page I see the window with the "other idiots bought this" and it shows a cavalry hat, tactical weapons belt and some holsters or some variant of that...
On every pudding page.
Okay... I like to shoot stuff when I'm eating pudding... I get that...
I didn't get the cavalry hat on every page though...
So I googled "112 ounce pudding can + cavalry hat" and only needed "112 ounce can of pudd..." To get my answer...
"Walking Dead Pudding "
I stopped watching walking dead early on when I realized it was just a soap opera with zombies in the background.
It had its moments, but zombies don't really scare me... I grew up in a neighborhood with crack addicts, and they are way scarier... Plus, zombies don't steal your hubcaps.
The characters were all painfully obnoxious in one way or another and if I ran into them in the zombie apocalypse, I'd just join the zombies.
But anyway apparently one of the characters... Carl Grimes... In 2014 (?) ate a whole can of pudding on the show and now there is a damn giant pudding can shortage...
Well, no shortage if you are willing to pay double...
Huge cans of pudding are suddenly cool...
_ _ _k you Hollywood.
Seriously, another thing I enjoy, ruined or made expensive by popular culture and stupid fads.
Super annoying.
This is just like the samurai finally making it to the house of the sandal maker to find he is selling cases of cheap plastic cherry blossoms on the Internet because they became popular on a reality show...
Suddenly this perfect cherry blossom, which he has managed to protect though an epic battle, a flood and a thousand mile journey... Is worthless and meaningless.
No... It is...
It's exactly the same...
I'm not watering this one down.
It's exactly the same...
Friggin' bacon mints are probably next...
Yeah... Those are real... They are bacon flavored mints that can be very addictive...
Some stupid show is gonna feature them and then they will be $40 a tin...
I swear, if shredded squid jerky becomes popular I'm gonna have a fit...
It's weird, I like it, I've been snacking on it for years and its relatively cheap...
At least there is still that.
Yes... I realize there are more important things going on in the world now to get upset and annoyed about...
But I'm going to funnel all of that into pudding...
I want my damn pudding... I'm gonna find it the old fashioned way...
Epic journey.
If I have to search every restaurant store around, I'm gonna find it...
I'm not gonna order it on the internet, I've had it with the internet... It let me down one time too many...
No, I'm making my thousand mile journey with this crappy cherry blossom and if that stupid sandal maker is selling plastic flowers when I show up, I'm kicking him in the shnickelberries.
I'm finding my pudding.
May you all find yours.


Meanwhile, in a galaxy far, far away, a being of boundless potential smiles. It reaches out a limb, it's fingers come to rest upon an ancient parchment. Fingertips move, sensing the meaning in the heiroglyphs written there. Is this the one? Questing mind reads the answer. Yes! This is the recipe for the Great Celestial Pudding! Slowly the being turns it's many eyes towards the Realm of Man and whispers, "Hold on to your shnickelberries Bro. Your search shall not be in vain!"..............Que 'Also Sprach Zarathustra' (slow fade up). Visual fade to black.


Wolff Playing with Beez!
Contributing Artist
So McGyver, your telling me that we are all walking, talking, animated plops of creamy goodness puddin? No wonder I'm always so phlegmy! :p:D:p