Thank you all again, more!!! .... seems my muse is working over time, battling my anxiety over my teeth-
consult with an oral surgeon tomorrow... I've never had surgery in my life
but for pins put in my left hand bones after a fall/dive off of a runaway horse
when I was like 25 years old.... well and giving birth, that was a rough one
(in which, on the way to the hospital, I yelled: I change my mind! I don't
want to do this!) LOL!! (but I do have one GREAT son and daughter in law
now... so that's a good thing!

My blood pressure is normally LOW, except when I am around a doctor or dentist... so I'm sure I
will want/need to be put under... tho that's scary for me too... but my son and his wife will be with
me all the way... I'm SO SO SO thankful for this gift of their care and love!!