The Wicked Witch of the North
I've never weighed in on the piracy issue because, back when I first started in 3D in 2004, I googled for free stuff, ending up at the legitimate sites and the piracy sites, not even knowing what they were and downloaded heaps of stuff. It wasn't for a really long time that I knew I had illegal stuff on my computer and had a lot of purchasing to do to legitimise it. Even now I will go to use something, look at it crosseyed and go and check its providence. Ninety-nine times out of a hundred it's legitimate but the hundredth time I have another purchase to make. Sometimes I'm convinced I bought it and keep checking and checking before I hand over the dough. I don't think that anyone would not know about piracy sites like I didn't as these days it's in the news so much but back then, it wasn't high profile and I was an internet raw beginner. So I keep quiet because I cannot throw stones.
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