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I wish we had..for Dusk


RETIRED HW3D QAV Director (QAV Queen Bee)
Staff member
Let our CAs know what things are on YOUR wishlist for Dusk!

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
Well, we have 2 kinds of boots for Dusk, but the boy sure could use a nice pair of regular shoes. :)

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
Yes, we don't have much in the way of character sets for Dusk, so I have to agree with you as far as that goes.


The Wicked Witch of the North
Yes, the boy needs some shoes, faces and skins, and hair, that's what I'd like, more boy/man hair. And a suit/smart wear.

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
Yes, some regular clothing other than the jeans, t-shirt and tank top. Those would definitely be good.


I agree with all of these suggestions & Dusk also needs fantasy style clothing & Native American outfits!


Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
Great additions to the list Flint. I can just see Dusk springing up into the air and flying off in a Superman outfit and cape. ;)
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Seliah (Childe of Fyre)

Running with the wolves.
Contributing Artist
I agree with all of these suggestions & Dusk also needs fantasy style clothing & Native American outfits!


Totally agreed with all of the above - but I have to admit, I am very much on board with Flint on this one especially. I need N.A. outfits - and I mean more than just the Hollywood-ized midwest/southwest stereotypical items. I'd like to see some east coast tribal stuff, some west coast tribal stuff. Some arctic tribal stuff. There are many more tribes than just the Apache, Sioux, and Cheyenne that people think of in 3D when they make NA themed items. :)

I also need GOOD ethnic morphs for Dusk! I want to use him. I want to use him MORE than I do! But I need GOOD ethnic morphs. I need more control over things like the epicanthic folds, the cheek depth and shape, the chin width and shape, the length of his eyelashes, the curl of his eyelashes. I need more control over all parts of his nose shape (ESPECIALLY the bridge of the nose up between the eyebrows), I need more control over his eyebrows, his lips, his eyes as a whole, his forehead, his jawline, chin, his ears, and neck. I need this control over both sides individually to sculpt realistic faces for him. I need more extensive teeth morphs.

I need anthro morphs and more extensive creature morphs. I would LOVE the ability to shape things like wider fingers, shorter fingers, wider/narrower feet, higher/lower arches on the feet, thinner/thicker ankles, wider/thinner/longer/shorter toes, higher/lower foot insteps, more control over the shape of his pecs, his sternum, his belly, his waist, legs, his glutes. I need MUCH more extensive morphing capabilities for both his head AND his body. Not all people have the same proportions; some are short and stocky, some are tall, some are lean, some have beer bellies...

I need more versatility in his expressions. Dusk has no "mouth corner up/down" morph!! I literally re-installed his expression morphs TWICE thinking something had failed to copy over.

I want to be able to do random pretty boys and handsome guys, I also want to be able to do everyday average Joes and elderly or middle-aged men. I want to be able to produce ethnic morphs for him; I'd like to be able to produce a variety of Native ethnicities; a variety of Asian ethnicities, different types of African ethnicities, different types of Europeans, Slavs, Norse, Germanics; the human animal exists in a whole variety of shapes and colors....
I want the whole rainbow for Dusk! :lol:

I actually have TWO character sets in progress for Dusk, and up until recently, when I bought Chris' morph expansion, both of these characters have been at a dead stop because of a lack of morphing capability. Now, once I was able to pick up Chris' morphs, I have been able to start making more progress on one of these projects, but the other one remains at a stand-still.

I am very grateful for the morphs we do have for him, and they do help a LOT!! (Thank you!) But I really need MUCH more extensive shaping and expression capabilities on all three of our figures, and the lack of it has blocked more than a few projects I've tried to do for them before the horse even got out of the barn. :/ Morphs, first and foremost would definitely be my top priority #1 need for Dusk.
I know, I know, I keep harping about the morphs thing.:sorry:

But the lack of versatility in morphs is THE biggest reason that I have yet to produce any actual characters for any of our HW figures, and it is THE biggest reason that I have been completely unable to switch to Dawn and Dusk as my primary go-to figures for my own story/illustration artwork (and the story illustration comprises about 95% of what I render).

And just to put it out there... I am experimenting with him in Blender to see what I can do to help fill that morphs gap... but I am not by any means very skilled with modeling yet, nor do I have ANY clue how to get the modeled shape out of Blender, into Daz, and actually applied to Dusk as a morph... yet.

Some more varied jewelry for Dusk would be awesome, too. Things like hat bands (maybe as an add-on to the wonderful cowboy hat?), wristwatches, earrings, necklaces, bracelets, rings, ties (bow tie, straight tie, and bolo ties)... Clothing's already been covered up above, but I'd like to note that in addition to all of the above here, I would also LOVE to see some good sci-fi items for BOTH Dusk and Dawn. Heck, I'd like to see all of the above for Luna, too. Some nice sci-fi casual (like every-day street wear but sci-fi themed) would be sweet, too. :D I'd love occupational wear and items for him. I'd like to see some special occasion items such as tuxedoes or dress uniforms, ceremonial wear...

So, the ordered list --

1) Morphs, morphs, morphs, morphs! Head and body both! :please:
2) Some more skin merchant resources - pleeeeease!!
3) Fantasy & Sci-Fi themed items
4) Footwear/Shoes! (dress shoes/business casual, work boots, sneakers, sandals, flip-flops, etc - I do have one of these items currently in progress also, but I'm a long ways from finishing it yet.)
5) Ethnic items! Clothing, accessories, hairs, etc.
6) More/varied character sets for him, yes. (I promise I am working on a couple myself to help with this gap!)
7) Occupational items. I'd like to see stuff like medical scrubs, surgeon's OR scrubs, police uniforms, military uniforms, janitorial overalls, mechanics and carpentry items and uniforms, business suits, etc.
8) Anthro/Creature add-ons; things like conformable claws, tails, ears, horns, fins, spikes, paws, to name a few...

Actually, for the most part, this list goes for Dusk, Dawn AND Baby Luna for me (especially the morphs thing)... :) I'm not going to post the same list in all the threads, so consider this my list for all three of our figures!

The figures are wonderful, and I do pull them out and use them, I just want to be able to do more of a variety in support for them, too. :D
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Contributing Artist
Seliah, could you post some pictures of some of the morphs your interested in? I'm a bit slow with textures but can do morphs. Not the expert that Chris is but there might be some I can help with. Goes without saying I have to finish Diva first.

Seliah (Childe of Fyre)

Running with the wolves.
Contributing Artist
S'Klallam :

Duwamish :

Tlingit :

Inuit :

Inupiat :

Iroquois :

Maori (New Zealand) :

Muscogee :

Korean :

Thai :

Vietnamese :


There's a few picture links to start with. I know these are mostly different NA links, but that's because this seems to be the area with the biggest gap for Dusk. Some of the Asian lines can be achieved very well with his current morphs, and most of the Caucasians and Celts can. But South American, Mexican/Latino and NA are very, very difficult to do.

This is Nataani - this is a character set I'm working on for Dusk. I started with Tosca's merchant resource - this is an early test render and where he's currently at. Nataani is the character that I was able to pick back up and resume work on once I got my greedy little paws on Chris' morph pack for Dusk. :)



Contributing Artist
Great list Seliah and some amazing photos...there are some faces that I could do the morphs for. I'm close to the end of editing the injection file for Diva, still have some work on packing up and finishing the texture then it will be off to hopefully some people to test and I'll get the promos done. Once that's done...I did have a few ideas on my to do list but I could try and do some of those faces or individual morphs. I also want to try and do some tongue morphs for Lyne if I can. Hopefully Diva won't take too much longer to get done. My problem is I tend to work slowly...

Edited to add: what specific morphs do you need/want for Nataani...or are you right with the morphs from Chris for that character?

Seliah (Childe of Fyre)

Running with the wolves.
Contributing Artist
Chris' morphs are doing fine for Nataani. I have a lot of areas that still need tweaking, but then the dial-spinning part of my character building usually takes about twice as long as the actual texture work because I'm really nitpicky about the character's features. :)

You don't need to rush on the morphs. Whenever you get the time, you get the time, and I will be a happy happy wolf whenever it gets done. LOL

I just figured this thread was a good spot to put out the desire for more detailed morphs on all three of our figures is all. And the post got lengthy because I was trying to provide some ideas as to A) what sorts of dials I was looking for on the morphs and B) the reasons why.

I am working in Blender with him also. I'd like to try and help fill those gaps a little bit myself also, it's just going to take time as I have never sculpted a morph in a modeler and then brought it into Studio before. And, obviously, I have a few other things on my plate that I'm working on as well (Nataani, the Beach Set textures, and the Dawn/Dusk/Luna pose package have priority at the moment).


Contributing Artist
Good to know and I agree with you on putting ideas forward.

I've done a few morphs. I always find the morph easier than the texturing. I'm looking forward to a few of those things you are working on...