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Ran a few more sims while doing the dishes...several variations of a robe created by a guy who used to call himself Pappy on Rendo...the only M4 robe he made, the rest were for M3 or Poser figures. The tallith he created to fit all figures. Both were successful sims without much tweaking.

There's a couple more on the previous page, should GG swing by. You might especially be interested in the outer cloak on the previous page.





Gadget Girl

Contributing Artist
I'm wondering how to keep the hood from passing through the hair

Since the cloud is rather loose fitting, you might be able to get away with slightly upping the Y translation of it and setting it to collide against the Hair.
The tallith he created to fit all figures. Both were successful sims without much tweaking.

I really like the Tallith although the beads seem a little extra springy. Have you tried adding them to a Rigid Decorated Group?


Good morning...I'm finally yTrans out of the bed :) GG, I wondered about those out of control tassels. It was like they started going "weeeee" throughout the sim, and I had no idea what to do with them. So I'll try that, learning a new trick today. Will also try it on Dusk. Today will be Dusk day, since I don't have a thousand other things interrupted my concentration...got all that over with yesterday. It was one of those days yesterday...rolled out and checked my email, and my cell phone company was letting me know my old Motorola flip phone (yes, I prefer them...I don't do "Smart Phones"...haha) would soon no longer be compatible with their new system, so I had to pick out another phone. Couldn't put that off since I need to have my cell if I have to go out for any reason...and I definitely want to stick with Consumer Cellular, since they are the only company I've ever dealt with who have not gone up in price one penny since the day I signed up, but they've doubled my benefits. They go out of their way to be kind to technophobic seniors too...haha :)

GG, I'll try making the adjustments on the cloak that you suggested as well. I was wondering about things like that....the garment's in the zero position, but raising it above the figure as the starting point....hmmm, clever :)

Gadget Girl

Contributing Artist
Good morning...I'm finally yTrans out of the bed :) GG, I wondered about those out of control tassels. It was like they started going "weeeee" throughout the sim, and I had no idea what to do with them. So I'll try that, learning a new trick today. Will also try it on Dusk. Today will be Dusk day, since I don't have a thousand other things interrupted my concentration...got all that over with yesterday. It was one of those days yesterday...rolled out and checked my email, and my cell phone company was letting me know my old Motorola flip phone (yes, I prefer them...I don't do "Smart Phones"...haha) would soon no longer be compatible with their new system, so I had to pick out another phone. Couldn't put that off since I need to have my cell if I have to go out for any reason...and I definitely want to stick with Consumer Cellular, since they are the only company I've ever dealt with who have not gone up in price one penny since the day I signed up, but they've doubled my benefits. They go out of their way to be kind to technophobic seniors too...haha :)

I know how the distractions go. And as someone who used to sell smart phones, I would tell people, "If all you want is something to make phone calls get a flip phone, don't get a mini computer." Which is ultimately what a smart phone is.

GG, I'll try making the adjustments on the cloak that you suggested as well. I was wondering about things like that....the garment's in the zero position, but raising it above the figure as the starting point....hmmm, clever :)

Yeah I do all sorts of manipulations like that. Especially since pretty much any V4 dynamics can be made into Dawn dynamics. If I get a chance later today I'll take a screen shot of the starting pose I did for that render I posted yesterday. Definitely did not start out at zero.

However at the moment Poser is busy doing other things. It's supposed to be helping me make some promo renders, but instead I met a strange cute new version of Dawn, and currently I'm trying simulate some clothes on her.


Would that be Dawn SE...because I like her bright new appearance, she renders nicely :)

I discovered yesterday that I had a robe for Dawn done by Pappy on Rendo...it's short sleeved, but it might work well with the cloak...the outer cloak has both M4 and V4 versions included by the way :) I do have some V4 stuff, so will test those with Dawn. The height dfferences that English Bob shared in his Quicksuit thread were eye-opening...I had difficulties using Dusk in certain posing situations in the past...and the fact that he scales the tallest of all at a height of 6'9" compared to other figures, that explains why his legs would always go through the bottom of vehicles (and would have to "bow" them in certain situations or his knees would go through the steering wheel)...or playing the piano, his knees go through the piano if positioned properly at the bench. So not every piece of clothing is going to transfer well.

I'm running a second sim on the cloak now with the changes suggested, and already it's much improved. I'm trying it one more time, to see if we can reach the perfection point....haha :) Already it's so much better!

Gadget Girl

Contributing Artist
Would that be Dawn SE...because I like her bright new appearance, she renders nicely :)

Sort of. The skin is Dawn SE. But the face appeared randomly. Litteraly. I'm working on promo renders for a script to randomize the hive wire characters and this face just begged for more. View media item 1209
Now back to boring face renders.

I'm running a second sim on the cloak now with the changes suggested, and already it's much improved. I'm trying it one more time, to see if we can reach the perfection point....haha :) Already it's so much better!

Glad that helped. Yes, much tweaking is often required to get it just right.

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
I really like the Tallith although the beads seem a little extra springy. Have you tried adding them to a Rigid Decorated Group?
I wonder if a Soft Decorated Group might not be better, unless that's what Sky used initially. I haven't played with Rigid Decorated Groups at all, but seems to me they would wind up looking like a rigid stick, where you just want them to fall down nicely. Since the beads aren't directly attached to each other, they would have a slightly different angle as they fall.

Just my 2¢, FWIW.

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
Sort of. The skin is Dawn SE. But the face appeared randomly. Litteraly. I'm working on promo renders for a script to randomize the hive wire characters and this face just begged for more.
She looks good. Is the script to randomize the characters for DS or Poser?


The cloak is already to the point of post work solution, and I'll try tweaking it more later. I went a very steps higher with yTrans on the robe, but it begins to fall off the shoulders if I go too high, so I'm getting close to the sweet spot on that. Another solution is try a different hair. I like historical curls...but the cloth room doesn't...and causes crashes every time I forget to uncheck it in collide against. Next time I run this cloak, I'll try it with smaller hair and see what happens. In fact, I'm going to switch to Dusk now and see if I can get the cloak to work on him.


Hey Miss B :) Always appreciate your 2 cents worth as well! I never want to wear you all out with dynamics, but I'm learning so much, just can't resist asking :) And yes, the "beads" are actually tassels with knots, each tied roughly into the shape of the Hebrew letters which spell out God's name...so yes, they are knots, tied upon a tasseled cord, instead of beads, so flowing down would be the preferred appearance. In the story of the woman who sought to touch the hem of his garment while the crowd pressed in on him...this is what was meant by "hem"....we think of it as maybe grabbing at the base of the robe, but it was tradition that all Jewish men wear some form of tallit as a reminder of their devotion to God, and it was understood by those in that culture what the tassels meant...so the woman was reaching for those tassels. Pappy did a pretty good job re-creating how an ancient tallit would have appeared...as GG has mentioned before in her Dusk robe thread, most clothing was squared then, being easier and more affordable to make...modern tallits are more like scarves that can be pulled up over the head or just worn around the neck.


Gadget Girl

Contributing Artist
I like the cheeky appearance of potential for mischief in your character...good one :)

Thanks. That's exactly what got me. She really wants me to write a story about her. Actually, she wants me to create an entire game based around her. I need to lock her away for now or I'll never get anything done.

She looks good. Is the script to randomize the characters for DS or Poser?

It's a Poser script. I haven't found enough resources to make me feel confident in creating scripts for DAZ. And DAZ uses their own language. They say it's based off of JavaScript, but I learn best by looking at examples, not by reading documentation, so I worry that I'd run into too many questions on simpler stuff and wouldn't be able to find good examples of how their language handles things.

Another solution is try a different hair. I like historical curls...but the cloth room doesn't...and causes crashes every time I forget to uncheck it in collide against.

I've never had too much luck with this, but in theory you can use the Spawn convex hull option on the hair to make a low poly version just for collisions in the cloth room.

In the story of the woman who sought to touch the hem of his garment while the crowd pressed in on him...this is what was meant by "hem"....we think of it as maybe grabbing at the base of the robe, but it was tradition that all Jewish men wear some form of tallit as a reminder of their devotion to God, and it was understood by those in that culture what the tassels meant...so the woman was reaching for those tassels.

I never knew that part, although to be fair my knowledge of traditional Jewish culture has lots of limits. Although one of the coolest experiences of my life was when I was in Venice with a Jewish friend. We both were interested in seeing the ghetto, and we happened by the oldest synagogue in Venice right before a service was about to happen. She asked if I would mind if we attended, and I was thrilled. It would have felt strange going on my own, but with her it felt fine, and it was amazing.

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
Yes Sky, I know what a Tallith is, and I often see young men wearing them on their way to the Temple not far from here, under their clothes as a rule, so only the fringes are seen.

I was just thinking the Soft Decorated Group would help them fall more naturally than a Rigid Decorated Group, because you don't want them to look like a stiff stick attached to the hem of the Tallith.


This is technically a tallit katan, which in modern times is worn under the shirt, leaving the only the tassels in view. I think the ancient version was also layered...like above, on top of the tunic, then the outer cloak.


Know what you mean GG...first time I attended a messianic synagogue I was sitting in the back with my mouth hanging open most of the time. I felt like I'd been time warped into those old familiar stories...the reading and singing in Hebrew, the procession with the Torah. I was so fascinated by it that I made time often to attend on Saturdays in order to learn all I could from them. I found out how much we're missing by not understanding a lot of the middle eastern idioms or customs of that culture. Not long after that I got to know an Assyrian lady at work, and we hit it off, became fast friends...and she introduced me to their culture. One time I was at her house for dinner, and she mentioned she had a phone call she had to make, and that it was okay that I sit in and listen...she was to be the mediator in an "arranged marriage"....the lady was overseas and wanted to accept engagement from one of three distant members of the family in this country, so speaking that language, she was finding out what she wanted...and she said she'd accept from whichever one would allow her to drive a car and go to a movie. So then my friend had to call each of the men and propose the "deal", to see which of them would accept. I felt like I was in another time warp...haha. And the food...their Thanksgiving meal was fantastic...I discovered their kibbe for the first time :) Anyways, through the years I never passed up an opportunity to learn first hand from folks with diverse backgrounds...in the end it only served to enrich my own.


I had begun fixing lunch, and thought of a good example to express the flavor of the "arranged marriage" above...if you've ever seen My Big Fat Greek Wedding...that's it, that hits it squarely on the head. Everything is done within the family...everything...haha :)